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This walkthrough was written by Frodo

for Janitor In Space







Walk right a little bit, and look at the unexploded backhoe.  Now take

the upper-right path, and walk right to the next screen.  On the bridge,

you discover that G2 has some VERY useful abilities.  Walk right again,

until you reach the abandoned refinery.  Try to open the door, but it’s

buried under too much rock.  From your Inventory, use the MAIN

CANNONS (you got these abilities after an interesting conversation on

the asteroid belt) on the large window, then use BOOSTER CANNONS

to jump through the large window.  


Smash open the old crate, and take the POWER CELL.  Now open the

fuse box, and then from your Inventory, use HEADLIGHTS to shine light

into the fuse box.  Remove the dead power cell and replace it with the

POWER CELL you got from the old crate.  Now press the red Start

button to get power, then press the blue Back button to exit the close-

up.  From your Inventory, use MAIN CANNONS on the catwalk, then use

your BOOSTER ROCKETS on the catwalk to jump up to the next level.  


Pick up the CAN OF DEAD MATTER.  Wow, this can be used to create

Black Holes.  Better be careful, Roger!  Try to use the fuel pump, but it’s

not working - you need to find some KEYS to unlock it.  Never mind, just

take the FRIDGE MAGNET for now.  Head back down, and leave the



Walk left one screen, to the bridge, and notice a SHINEY METAL THING

on the ground.  Try to pick it up, but it’s too tiny just to scoop up like

that.  From your Inventory, use the FRIDGE MAGNET to pick up the



Walk left again, until you’re back at the unexploded backhoe.  Notice

there is another SHINY METAL THING behind the backhoe.  Try to pick

it up, but the backhoe is in the way.  Use your CAN OF DEADMATTER

on the unexploded backhoe to make it implode.  Neat trick!  Now like

before, use FRIDGE MAGNET to pick up the SHINY METAL THING that

was behind the backhoe - this is LOCK OUT KEY #1.  You have both

keys for the fuel pump now.  Make your way back to the refinery.  


Inside the refinery, use BOOSTER ROCKETS on the catwalk to jump up

to the next level.  


Use LOCK OUT KEY #1 and LOCK OUT KEY #2 on the fuel pump, then

turn on the fuel pump, and the Armech, now named Doomtron, will

start to refuel himself.  


After escaping Havoc’s approaching army, you find yourself on a narrow

ledge.  Walk left twice, and watch some dramatic cut scenes that end

with Roger and Doomtron surrounded, and unable to defend

themselves.  Walk left, and another ship will zoom in for the attack…

only to destroy your guards instead.  You’re now free to go where you



Walk right, to where the 2 guards landed.  Talk to the Wedged Star

Fighter twice, and the pilot will start the engine.  Now pick up the

Wedged Star Fighter, and the pilot will fly away, leaving a clear path for

you.  Walk up to the next screen.  


When Doomtron warns you of the approaching danger, hide behind the

rock on the left, and wait until the Space Chickens have gone.  Now

from your Inventory, use BOOSTER ROCKETS to jump up onto the



Try talking to the soldiers a few times, but they refuse your help, thinking you’re the enemy.  Let’s help them anyway.  Use your BOOSTER ROCKETS on the steel beam twice to get rid of the Egg

Walker.  That’s one problem down… but a much bigger problem arises.  

Literally!  The Mother Hen arrives, and she is one MEAN mother!  



Walk up, towards the Mother Hen.  When you’re pinned to the ground, use HEADLIGHTS on the Egg Walker.  The 2 soldiers you saved earlier, will now return the favour, and save your life, here.  Pick up the UNSTABLE ORDANANCE, then walk forward towards the Mother Hen

again.  When you’ve reached the Mother Hen, wait for her foot to lift up, then stand on the loose rock.  Her foot will lower down again, unintentionally catapulting you into her beak.  From here, throw the UNSTABLE ORDANANCE into her reactor core.  Hasta La Vista,








Watch another cutscene, as Stellar catches up to you, and wants an

explanation of what’s been going on.  As you bring her up to speed, she

collapses.  She’s been poisoned!  You need to find an antidote for her,

and quickly!  


Check Stellar’s pulse to make sure she’s still alive.  Now search her bike,

and take the bottle of LIQUID NITROGEN.  Use NAIL FILE on the

FLOODWEED plant to saw some off.  Now walk right to the next



Look at the Distant Construct.  Now walk right, and eavesdrop on the

Space Chickens.  They’re planning to wipe everybody out - this is NOT

good!  Open the First Aid Kit if you like, but it’s empty.  Talk to the

Space Chicken guards, but they shoot you dead.  Damn!  Okay, let’s try a

different approach.  Use the can of LIQUID NITROGEN in the

Ventilation Shaft to lower the temperature and make the Space

Chickens turn up the heat.  


Walk left, and notice that the heating pipe is now burning hot.  Walk

down, back to Doomtron and Stellar.  


Talk to Doomtron and ask about everything.  He gives you a sheet of

fireproof TARP.  Walk right again, to the distant construct, then use

sheet of TARP on the heating pipe.  Walk left, over the pipe, to the

Underground Spring.  


The spring is boiling hot.  Soak the FLOODWEED leaf in the hot

spring, then use RETROQUIL in the spring.  The ANTIDOTE is

complete, so use COFFEE MUG on the spring to get some HERBAL



Return to Stellar, and give her the mug of HERBAL TEA.  Stellar will

be okay now, but while she is woozy, and out of it, you use her

authorisation to get Doomtron’s weaponry functional again, and he

celebrates by shooting the Space Chicken guards.  


Doomtron takes Stellar back to the Space Station, so they can warn

everyone about the impending attack, leaving you to carry on alone.  

Take MODEL TOY CAR from the bin.  The TV monitor switches on, and

a message from Vohaul blares out, warning everyone of an intruder on

the base.  Open the Air Vent - you can hear voices coming from the

other end of the Air Vent.  Talk to the Air Vent, and notice how it leads

into some kind of Command Room.  Take TOASTER from the

countertop.  Walk right, into the hallway.  


The Security Guard is busy watching TV, and has his back to you.  Walk

through the scanner - it buzzes, but he doesn’t even notice.  Continue

right to the Loading Bay.  


Beatrice is here, frozen inside some kind of capsule.  You HAVE to

rescue her.  Look at the Command Room above you - this is the same

Command Room that the Air Vent leads to.  Take CHICKEN HELMET

that’s lying on top of the crate.  Now walk back to the Hallway.  


Try to pick up the KEYCARD KEY from the counter, and when the

security guard looks in your direction, use the SPACE CHICKEN

HELMET on him, to fool him into trusting you.  Ask about everything.  

Through this conversation, you can take the KEYCARD KEY.  Now

walk right into the Loading Bay again.  


Try to open the storage closet, only to find that it’s locked.  Use

STORAGE ROOM KEY with the storage closet, then enter the cup-

board.  Turn on the old computer, only to be greeted by your old pal

Beni.  Except… he seems different now.  He’s actually friendly towards

you.  But you soon discover it’s because he was never hooked up to any

network, so he’s not been able to build up a dislike to you.  Thankfully!  

Now talk about everything… until you break him.  You broke Beni!  Since

you’re here, take a LAND MINE from the box.  Try to leave the cup-

board, but as you do so, Beni reboots himself… as Vohaul.  Talk to

Vohaul about everything.  You get a lot of useful information.  When

conversation is over, take VOHAUL’S MOTHERBOARD from the old

computer.  In your Inventory, insert VOHAUL’S MOTHERBOARD into

the RC CAR, then place the LANDMINE onto the RC CAR.  Finally,

combine CAR WITH LANDMINE with the TOASTER.  You end up with

a TOASTER CAR WITH LANDMINE.  Now leave this cupboard, and

return to the kitchen.  


Put TOASTER CAR WITH LANDMINE into the Air Vent on the wall, and

watch the resulting explosion.  BOOM!!!  


Make your way back to the Loading Bay.  Search the Fried Chicken to

get a RAY GUN.  In your Inventory, manipulate the RAY GUN to set it to

Thaw’.  Now use RAY GUN on the Frozen Beatrice Capsule.  But even

though you saved her, she’s not at all pleased to see you, and starts to

beat you up.  Until General Havoc arrives.  Then she’s happy again.  

General Havoc tells Beatrice it was you who arranged her kidnapping…

and she believes him!  


You can’t out-gun General Havoc, so you have to out-smart him instead.

This is a weird actiony-timed sequence.  Wait until you’re at the 2nd

hiding spot - sitting down, between 2 crates - and use your SHOE

POLISH on the floor.  Now in the 3rd hiding spot - the one with the

crane controls - open your Inventory, and manipulate your RAY GUN, so

it’s set to ‘Stun’, then use RAY GUN on the crane controls.  Now wait

until you’re back at the hiding spot facing Bea and Havoc, then use

TOASTER CAR in the crate.  Wait until your sitting down behind the 2

crates, then talk to Havoc.  At the next hiding spot, Havoc will slip on

the SHOE POLISH you placed on the floor.  Talk to the crate in front of

Havoc (this is where TOASTER CAR is), and General Havoc falls into

your trap.  A short hand-to-hand fight begins, until the false Vohaul

appears. Quickly use RUBBER GLOVE to protect yourself from his

attack.  Now watch another cutscene, in which, amongst other things,

Roger, Beatrice, and General Havoc are captured.  







Watch a long cutscene.  Roger and Havoc start arguing like children,

and Beatrice is losing patience with both of them.  After some more

arguing, General Havoc finally realises where he knows the name ‘Roger

Wilco’ from - he’s the hero that blew up his own ship in order to save

the galaxy from a very nasty mutation monster (from SQ5).  FINALLY,

someone knows what really happened on that ship, and appreciates

Roger for his sacrifice.  It turns out, Havoc is a big fan of Roger’s.  Who

would have thought it?  Beatrice is still not impressed.  


After some more bizarre events, Roger finds himself alone on this



Well, not quite alone.  Walk right a little bit, and bump into Stellar.  She

tells you that Halon has been defeated.  She also knows about your son

from the future now.  Doomtron is also here, but he’s lost his power.  

Talk to Stellar about everything.  She really hates the way Beatrice puts

you down all the time.  When conversation is over, walk right a little bit,

and look at Doomtron.  Poor Roger - head down, slumped shoulders…

he’s really feeling miserable right now.  


Walk up one screen.  This is when you realise you’re on Robertaland

Asteroid.  You and Beatrice came here for your first date.  Oh, how

things have changed.  Talk to Greg, and ask about everything.  Now

Greg has a lot of advice for you, including burning something to make

yourself feel better.  Okay, let’s try that.  Use SOUVINEER PHOTO on

the burning barrel.  Wow, Greg was right, you DO feel better now!  Use

your PLUNGER in the burning barrel to create a FLAMING PLUNGER

torch.  Now walk over to the trashed animatronics and interact with

them.  You can’t get through all that wax.  No problem, use your

FLAMING PLUNGER with them to melt the wax, revealing an endo-

skeleton underneath.  Try to pick up Greg’s toolbox, but he won’t

cooperate, so trade him your ENGAGEMENT RING for the TOOLBOX.  

Use TOOLBOX on the trashed animatronics to find a SPARK PLUG.  

Use TOOLBOX on Greg’s ship to find a WHEEMOTE and a ROCKET

ENGINE.  Walk left to the Rocket Ride, and use ROCKET ENGINE on

the Rocket Ride.  Try to use TOOLBOX on the Rocket Ride, but the

weight of the ride prevents you from removing the bolt.  Now return to



Use ROBOT SPARK PLUG in Doomtron to power him up again.  Now

talk to Doomtron and ask about everything.  Go back to the Main

Entrance of the park, where Greg is.  


Walk left a little bit, and use the TOOLBOX on the Rocket Ride again.  

This time, Doomtron holds the ride up, while you remove the bolt.  Now

walk right again, and look at the moving statue on the ticket booth.  Try

to move the moving statue, but the mechanism is too tight.  


Look at Beggar’s (Greg’s) Hat, and try to pick it up.  Use WASHER with

the Beggar’s Hat, and retrieve a QUARTEZOID while you’re at it.  Get a

feeling of déjà vu?  Place your mobile PHONE under the box of

disposable phones.  Now use your QUARTEZOID with the pay phones

on the right, and call yourself.  When Greg goes to search the box of

disposable phones, the moving statue moves to track him, turning

away from you.  Use your TOOLBOX on the moving statue, then take

the GUN from the moving statue.  Now use GUN with the Rocket Ride

on the left.  


Return to the landing site, and talk to Stellar.  You, Stellar, and

Doomtron jump onto the Rocket Ride, and ride over to the Incinerator.  





After a short cut scene, you have to get through another arcade

sequence.  This time, you have to shoot the Space Chickens in a first-

person shooter mini-game.  It’s tricky, but thankfully, it‘s skippable.  


After dealing with the Space Chickens, you find yourself in the furnace.  

General Havoc is here, and he’s badly injured.  Talk to him, and ask

about everything.  Go up the stairs, and enter Vohaul’s Sanctum.  


Another arcade sequence.  You have to defeat a giant Vohaul this time. He keeps banging his fists and knocking you off your feet.  Take the

CRYSTAL from the podium.  Now shoot at Vohaul Supreme, and

when he picks you up, use the thermostat to raise the temperature.  

Shoot Vohaul Supreme again to make him drop you.  Now open vent on

the left - the Vohaul Toaster Car is here.  Give the Crystal to Vohaul

Toaster Car.  Shoot at Vohaul Supreme again, then talk to Vohaul

Toaster Car.  The Vohaul Toaster Car uses the crystal to defeat Vohaul

Supreme.  Unfortunately, Vohaul Toaster Car’s Motherboard got fried in

the process.  R.I.P Vohaul Toaster Car.  Now enter through door to the



First thing you have to do on the Bridge, is to get the Main Computer up

and running again.  General Havoc guides you, as he communicates

through his intercom.  I still can’t get used to Havoc being a GOOD guy!  

Okay, try to use the Console (Left), but you have no idea what to do.  

Remember that piece of paper you got from your son ages ago - THE


the Console (Left).  The Main Computer is now working again, and

General Havoc is really impressed that you managed to do that.  Now

take the SONIC CROWBAR from the left side of the railings.  Use the

SONIC CROWBAR to pry open the Calibration Box.  Interact with the

Calibration Box, only to realise that the wires you need have been

severed, and they’re not quite long enough to reach each other.  You

need… SOMETHING to close the gap.  Use your ENGAGEMENT RING

with the Calibration Box to connect the wires.  You’re doing really good,

work, Roger.  Now interact with the Console (Right), but there’s no

buttons here.  Okay, just use the SONIC CROWBAR to bash the

Console (Right).  Crude, but effective.  It works now!  Use Console (Left)

again, and select:


Now watch another cutscene in which you and Beatrice are captured

(again!) by Chronarr.  But when Chronarr removes his mask to reveal

himself… you are SHOCKED by his true identity.  He is… YOUR SON!  

Your son from the future is the enemy?  This can’t be happening!  He

reveals that he’s just trying to destroy Aries Command, in order to bring

peace to the future - his time!  Ask him about everything.  Now talk to

Beatrice and ask her about everything.  Unfortunately, she is still too

groggy to think straight.  But at least you get some things off your

chest that needed to be said.  Now look at Your Inventory on the lab

table, and talk to Your Inventory (yes, really.), and ask about everything.  Make sure to

mention the IMPORTANT PIECE OF PAPER.  Roger Junior doesn’t even

remember giving this to you.  Aren’t time paradoxes a funny thing?  He

takes a closer look at it, and realises he can use it to fix his Time Bracer.  

After he’s left the room, interact with yourself several times, until you

fall over.  Now use the lab table several times, until the acid falls, and

eats through your bonds.  You’re free now, but the drugs Roger Junior

gave you are still affecting you.  Take YOUR INVENTORY from the lab

table, and take SURGICAL ALCOHOL from the lab table.  Now notice

the boiling water next to you.  Use SURGICAL ALCOHOL in the boiling

water, then use RETROQUIL in the boiling water.  Now drink the

doctored boiling water to flush the drugs from your system.  Roger

Junior returns, still determined to carry out his insane plan.  Now watch

a cut scene where Roger has to go up against his own son!  


When the cut scene is over, you get to play as Doomtron for a while.  As

Doomtron, talk to Roger, and ask about everything.  From your

Inventory, use BOOSTER ROCKETS to jump onto the guylines.  Do this

for both wires, until the X-Model shoot both wires down.  Now use

BOOSTER ROCKETS to jump onto the satellite.  Watch another cut

scene, where Doomtron is destroyed (sob).  


You’re back to being Roger again, and you have to, once again, face off

against your son.  Talk with General Havoc and ask about everything.  

Now you have to make your son so mad, he gets distracted, and you can

get the TIME BRACER.  It’s hard to get the dialogue right, but this is

how you do it.  Talk to your son, and select:

You Killed Doomtron.
Are you actually flying this ship?
Where’s your reinforcements?
Leave the General alone!  Your beef is with me!
You’re just mad that you couldn’t save Xenon.
Because I blew up my own ship setting the clock on me VCR?
You’re afraid of becoming just like me.

Now when your son swings his sword down, and the TIME BRACER is

at edge of the sword, talk to Havoc, and say:

Sorry Junior’s being such a handful.

The TIME BRACER will fly off his sword, and you catch it.  You

automatically mash some buttons on the TIME BRACER, and end up in

your travel pod from 3 weeks ago.  






Interact with Roger in the chair, and work through each of the options.  

Now use your TRAVEL PASS on the trunk next to you, and take the

LUGGAGE out.  So THAT’S what happened to your luggage!  In your

Inventory, open the DUFFEL BAG, to find lots of other stuff.  Use the

DECODER RING on the TIME BRACER to decipher all the symbols.  Now

use the TIME BRACER on yourself, and choose to ‘Return To The Incinerator.’  






Watch the cut scene, as Roger Junior is sent into another dimension.  

The good news is that your son is no longer a threat.  The bad news is

that the Incinerator is currently hurtling through space, and heading

straight for Aries 6.  You have to find a way to stop this ship, before it

crashes!  The other good news is that Doomtron, who you thought was

destroyed, actually survived.  


Talk to Havoc and ask about everything.  Talk to Stellar and ask about

everything.  Talk to Beatrice and ask about everything.  Talk to

Doomtron and ask about everything.  Now open cupboard on the right,

and take the EMERGENCY BRAKE KIT.  Interact with the Console

(Left), and choose Portal Systems, then Deactivate Portal Systems.  

Now interact with the Portal Controls on the left, and select Prison Cell

#1.  Go through the portal, to find yourself back on the Robertaland



Place a MINI PORTAL in the Teleportal Plate in the ground.  Tie TOW

CABLE to the rusty anchor.  Go back through the portal to return to the



Use Portal Controls on the left, and select Prison Cell #2.  Go through

the Portal Gate to find yourself back in the prison cube you were in

earlier.  Open the secret hatch, and push the red Eject Button, but it’s

rusted.  Use RUST REMOVER on the red Eject Button.  Now use your

other MINI PORTAL on the Portal Plate on the right.  Now go back

through the portal, back to the Bridge.  


Use Portal Controls on the left, and select Prison Cell #1.  Go through

the Portal Gate to return to the Robertaland asteroid.  Take CABLE

from the ground, and use it with the MINI PORTAL in the ground.  Go

through Gateway to return to the Bridge.  


Use Portal Controls on the left, and select Prison Cell #2.  Go through

the Portal Gate to return to the prison cube.  The CABLE is peeking

through the MINI PORTAL.  Take CABLE, and hook it onto pipes on the

left.  Now press the red Eject Button, and watch what happens.  


Poor Roger.  Once again, he is punished for his crimes, rather than

praised for his heroic deeds.  


Three months later, Roger is a free man.  But he has to leave the

station.  Talk to Beatrice on the walkway - you both agree to part ways.  

Walk right to the next screen, and talk to Stellar.  Now go up the stairs

to the next screen, and talk to Havoc.  






Walk up the stairs, and have another emotional ‘Goodbye’ from

Doomtron.  Choose your reply, and watch the bitter-sweet ending.  


If you SAVED your game before seeing Doomtron, you can Restore your

game, and choose a different ending.  My personal favourite is the

Beatrice ending - “To Stop Someone Getting On That Shuttle.


Whichever ending you choose, congratulations on completing the

game.  Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.  





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