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This walkthrough was written by Frodo for The Hero's Glory




PLEASE NOTE:  All map directions are in italic.




DAY 27


You arrive at the Rasier Gate Plaza.  Khaveen will welcome you \

threaten you, but he will eventually give you a VISA.  SAVE YOUR

GAME HERE.  Enter the Blue Parrot Inn.  Ferrari will ask you to join

him, so click on the table to sit down next to him.  He will ask what

you want to drink - use the Talk Icon on yourself and Answer

Raseirish Coffee.  When the bartender brings your coffee, click on it

to drink it.  Afterwards, Ferrari will dismiss you.  Explore until evening,

but don't get lost because your Magic Map does not work in this city.  

Leave Rasier Gate Plaza through the top exit, and continue up until

you reach Fountain Plaza.  Look at the fountain to see that it’s dried

up and vandalized - completely different from the beautiful fountain

you left behind in Shapier.  


When evening arrives, return to Blue Parrot Inn.  Ferrari will again ask

you to join him, so walk over to him and sit down.  You will be

introduced to Ugarte.  He will offer to sell you some information.  

Click your COIN PURSE on Ugarte to pay for this information.  Now

talk to Ugarte and work through all the topics, then click Talk Icon on

yourself and Say Goodbye to Ugarte.  Also talk to Ferrari and work

through all the topics.  When you’ve finished, stand up and leave the

table.  It's time to go to bed now.  The bedrooms are located behind

the bar, and are only accessible at night time.  When you can, exit off

screen left behind the bar to enter bedroom.  




DAY 28


After a rough night, you awaken in the Blue Parrot Inn.  Leave the Inn,

and SAVE GAME HERE.  Leave the Rasier Gate Plaza through the top

exit, and continue along path until you reach Rasier Fountain Plaza. 


Walk down, and watch, as Ugarte Is dragged off for smuggling water.

Walk down again, and leave the Plaza through door at the top.  


Follow path until a woman in a veil stops you.  Follow her through

path on the right, then enter door on the left to find yourself in the

Harem’s House.  She tells you that she longs to escape the

oppression here, and asks for your help, so give her your SPARE

CLOTHES, and give her your VISA.  She’s the spitting image of you,

now.  She gives you her MIRROR to show her appreciation.  After she

leaves, wait a few seconds, then leave the Harem House.  


Back out in the streets, Use COMPASS on yourself to get your

bearing.  Head south until you’re back at Rasier Fountain Plaza.  Now

walk up, and continue up, until you reach Rasier Gate Plaza again.  

Make sure each of your spells is at least level 100 - if not, practice

CASTing spells in the street.  But don’t get lost.  When your spells are

high enough, just wander around the streets until evening, but don’t

get lost.  


When evening arrives, return to Blue Parrot Inn.  When you’re able,

enter your room and sleep for the night.  




DAY 29


After a rough night, you awaken in the Blue Parrot Inn.  Ferrari tells

you that it’s been a pleasure doing business with you.  What’s he

talking about?  It’s almost as if he doesn’t expect to see you again.  

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  As soon as you step outside, you will be



The guards throw you into a jail cell.  The other prisoner here is a

Katta - look at the Katta, and try to talk to him, but he is very wary of

you and won‘t talk.  You still have the SAPHIRE PIN the Katta in

Shapier gave you, so show SAPHIRE PIN to this Katta, and he knows

now he can trust you.  Talk to him again, and work through all the

topics.  Now the pair of you need to escape from this cell, before

Khaveen arrives to interrogate you.  Walk over to the cell door and

CAST OPEN.  The door will be open in no time, so simply walk out of

the jail cell.  


Sharaf, your new Katta friend, reveals a hidden escape route in the

walls of the jail.  Before you leave here, make sure you click on that

table on the right, to get all your EQUIPMENT.  Now enter the

passage to follow Sharaf through the escape route.  


In the alleyways, use the Talk Icon on yourself, and Say Goodbye to

Sharaf.  Now head down, and at the intersection, head left, and

follow path until you meet Ad Avis.  Ad Avis hypnotises you, and

takes you to the Forbidden City in the middle of the desert, in search

of the Statue Of Iblis.  Outside the ancient ruins, pay attention to

what Ad Avis is saying.  He can’t seem to open the door, and in your

hypnotic state, you are powerless to resist him.  Use your MIRROR on

the door to reflect moonlight onto the door and open it.  Ad Avis

sends you in - the door closes behind you, trapping you inside.  


You’re in a very dark cave now, and you can’t see anything.  Thank-fully, you still have the magic lamp with the Fire Elemental.  Use

LAMP WITH FIRE ELEMENTAL on the darkness to get some light,

then walk left to the next cave.  


There’s a waterfall and a stream flowing through this cave, with logs

continuously falling down the waterfall.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  

Walk up to base of the waterfall, and stand near the shore, close to

the waterfall.  Wait for a log to float near you, then click on the log to

jump onto it.  Jump again, once the log reaches the opposite shore.  

Nice reflexes!  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now notice that hole in the

rocks on the left.  Walk over to it, but be careful, as it will try to suck

you in.  You need to block the force of the wind, somehow.  No

worries - you’re a powerful Wizard!  Look at the rocks above the air

hole, and cast FORCE BOLT near the wind hole to make the rocks

collapse over the hole.  Now climb up those stairs next to the water-

fall, and make your way behind the waterfall to cave on the right.  


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You’re back in the cave you began in,

except you are on a higher path now.  Walk right to the next cave, but

be careful not to fall.  


You’ve reached a Lava Room now, and the heat here is scorching hot!

Follow the path round, but be careful not to step in the lava flames.  

Use your WATERSKINS when you get too hot.  


You’re now in the Earth Room, and you’re standing on a path over-

looking the chamber down below.  Walk to edge of the rock, then

cast LEVITATE to float down.  Now approach door on the left, and it

will ask you about the name of the power.  If you remember what Ad

Avis said outside, you’ll know the answer.  Type SULEIMAN in the

text box that pops up.  The door opens, allowing you access to the

next cave.  


You’ve finally reached the Treasure Room.  Look around all you want,

but don’t touch anything, because the treasure is cursed.  Walk

through door on the left, into the next cave.  


The Statue Of Iblis is in this room.  This is what Ad Avis has been

searching for.  You automatically walk up to the pedestal, towards

the Statue.  Ad Avis will appear, grab the statue, and blast some

rocks to block the door, so you can‘t get out.  How kind!  Then he

teleports himself away, leaving you trapped in this cave.  Walk back

down the path, then walk down a little bit, to see something flash in

the darkness.  Approach the flash, and you realise it‘s a RING.  Take

the RING and read the inscription.  Wow, this is a MAGIC ring!  A

Djinni appears - talk to him and work through all the topics.  Make

sure you ask about Wishes, then Health, Prowess, and Teleport.  Now

use Talk Icon on yourself, and Make A Wish.  Okay, since you are a

Magic User, WISH FOR HEALING, WISH FOR MAGIC, and lastly,

TELEPORT TO IBLIS, and the Djinni teleports you to Rasier Palace





DAY 30


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You’re in Rasier Palace Plaza.  Sharaf, the

Katta you freed, will briefly appear and tells you that the Under-

ground Resistance is almost ready to attack the Palace.   Run down

to the Palace entrance.  There are 2 guards at the door, and another

guard patrolling on the wall above.  Quickly cast FLAME DART at the

guard above, so he can’t call for reinforcements.  Now cast DAZZLE

on the guards at the door to blind them.  Finally, cast OPEN on the

palace door, and enter the palace.  


You’ll automatically work your way through the castle, until you reach

the last chamber.  Khaveen is guarding this chamber.  Cast CALM to

distract him, and he will wander off.  Now cast LEVITATE to float

down to the floor below you.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  There is a

door at top of the stairs on the right.  Cast OPEN on the door.  


Now before you enter, cast REVERSAL on yourself (you’ll see why,

soon enough).  Run through the door to find yourself in the Ritual



As soon as you enter the room, a big stone statue will come to life

and attack you.  Ad Avis is also here, and he’s almost finished his

ritual.  Quickly cast TRIGGER on the statue to make it crumble to

bits, then cast FETCH on an unlit candle to disrupt Ad Avis’s

Summoning Spell.  He’s furious at you now, and starts using shape-

changing spells on you.  Hopefully, you’re protected by the Reversal

Spell (you DID cast that on yourself before entering the room, didn’t

you?), and his spells will just reflect off you.  Khaveen, still under the

influence of your Calm Spell, enters the room at this point, and is

turned into a snake (couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!).  Ad Avis realises

you’re protected by a Reversal Spell, so he changes tactics, and plans

to cast a spell that will set you on fire.  Run into centre of the room,

and cast FORCE BOLT on the wall between the first and second

pillars on left side of the balcony.  The spell will reflect into the

brazier, the brazier will fall onto Ad Avis, and Ad Avis will fall over the

edge of the balcony.  The Djinni will reappear, tell you the real

prophecy, and then vanish again. 


With Khaveen and Ad Avis gone, you can restore Rasier to it’s former



Now sit back and enjoy the ceremony in your honour.  You truly are a


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