This walkthrough was written by Frodo
for The Daventry Chronicles
You begin your adventures outside Crispin‘s house.
Head down one screen, and Cedric will comment about the poisonous
snake (blocking exit to the right). Go down again, and you will be at
the edge of town. Go right, to enter the town.
Notice the barrel at the edge of the alleyway. Open the barrel, and you
see an old FISH inside. Take the FISH. There is a man in the alleyway,
trying to fix his wagon - talk to the man. Leave town, and immediately
return. The man has gone, but he dropped a silver coin in the street, so
get SILVER COIN. Investigate the shops, and talk to everyone if you
want, but you can’t really do anything useful right now. When you’re
ready, walk left to leave town.
Outside the town, walk left again to the Baker Shop. Enter the Baker’s,
and when the mum and her young son have left, talk to the baker.
Give your SILVER COIN to the baker, to buy a CUSTARD PIE, and then
leave the Baker Shop.
Walk left twice, and watch the bear getting honey from the beehive.
Throw your FISH to the bear, and he takes the FISH and then trots off.
The Bee Queen thanks you for saving them from the bear. Reach in to
the hive, and take a HONEYCOMB from the beehive (if you go near the
bees before dealing with the bear, the bees will sting you to death).
Get STICK that’s lying on the ground next to the tree.
Go up one screen, to the anthill and dog. Throw your STICK to the dog,
and he will chase the still before running off. The Ant King is very
grateful to you for saving them.
Walk right once, to the gnomes. Try and talk to the gnomes, but
they’re not very friendly. Now head down to the haystack. Start to
search through the haystack - as you do, the ant swarm will come and
help you out, as gratitude for you saving them from the dog. They find
a GOLDEN NEEDLE (needle in a haystack, hehe), and give it to you.
Walk right 3 times, and enter the town again. Enter the Tailor’s Shop
(next to the alleyway), and talk to the shop assistant (the one in
green). Give GOLDEN NEEDLE to the shop assistant, and he gives you
a CLOAK in return.
Leave the shop, and leave the town. Head left 3 times, until you are
back at the beehive. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Now, we want to get to the Temple, which is through the desert, but
you need to drink every so often, or you will die of dehydration. This is
how to get through the desert.
From the beehive, head left 5 times, till you reach the oasis. Drink the
water from the oasis. Walk down once, and left twice. There’s a
skeleton here - get the SHOE. Go up once and right twice. Drink
water from the oasis. Go up twice and left 3 times. Hey, you’ve
reached the Temple.
Hide behind the tall rocks, so you are mostly hidden, and wait for the
bandits to enter the Temple. Watch the cutscene, and notice how the
bandits tap the staff on the Temple door to open it. Hmm, looks like
we‘re going to need that staff. There’s a small oasis between the 2
rocks - drink water from oasis. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Head down 3 times and left twice. Drink water from oasis. Go down 3
times and left once.
The bandits camp is here. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Enter the smaller
tent (the tent on the right). There is a bandit here, and you must cast a
Sleep Spell on him.
Inside the tent, take the STAFF, being very careful not to step on the
rug that the bandit is sleeping on. Now leave the tent again. Drink
water from the urn, then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Walk right once and up 3 times. Drink water from the oasis. Go up 3
times and right twice, so you are back at the Temple entrance. Walk
up to the entrance, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Use STAFF on the
Temple door to open it. Your STAFF broke, but at least you’re inside.
Don’t hang around here for long, or the door will seal shut again,
trapping you inside. Quickly grab the BRASS BOTTLE and the GOLD
COIN, and then leave. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. For a bit of fun, open
the BRASS BOTTLE. What a nice Genie!
Now Load your game, and walk back down to the desert.
Drink water from the oasis, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk right 8
times, until you reach the gypsy camp.
Give your GOLD COIN to the gypsy, and he lets you in the caravan to
see Madame Mushka. Watch the cutscene as King Graham looks into
the crystal ball Ahhh, Mordack, the wizard that kidnapped your family
and took your castle, is Manannan’s brother. And Alexander turned
Manannan into a cat, and now Mordack wants him to turn Manannan
back into a human. So THAT’S why Mordack is after your family!
Madame Muska gives you a magical amulet to protect you from evil
magic. Use the AMULET on Graham, to wear it.
Walk right to the Willow tree, and talk to the Willow tree to learn her
sad story. The only way to break her curse, is to find her golden heart,
and return it to her.
Walk right again, and then down one screen. There’s a prince sitting
on a log here. And he’s not very happy. Talk to him, and listen to his t
ale of woe. Hmm, I wonder if he’s the same prince the Willow tree
told us about?
Walk down one screen. Now you have to be quick here. You are
outside the baker. Walk back & forth along this screen. Now as soon
as you see the cat chasing the rat, throw your SHOE at the cat to scare
it away, thus saving the rat’s life. The rat thanks you, before scurrying
Now walk up twice, to the entrance of the Dark Forest. SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE, then walk up into the Dark Forest.
Let’s go and get the Willow tree’s Golden Heart now. Since you have
the AMULET from the gypsy fortune teller, you should be safe in here.
Walk left, into the next screen. The witch should show up, and throw a
spell at you. But thanks to the amulet, the spell has no effect - she‘s
not happy about this. Continue left, and the witch will follow you.
Follow path round to the next screen - yep, she follows you again. You
can see the witch’s house from here, so try to walk up to enter it, but
the witch blocks your way. Okay, let’s get rid of her.
Give BRASS BOTTLE to the witch. She opens it, and get trapped inside
the bottle. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person, hehe.
Now the witch has gone, head up to the big house.
The witch’s house is very creepy! Open drawer on the left, and get
POUCH. Open POUCH in your inventory to find 3 EMERALDS. Open
trunk at the back wall, and get the SPINNING WHEEL. Grab INSCENSE
BURNER, which is hanging from the tree branch, to find a BRASS KEY.
Now leave the house.
Walk right to the next screen, and you see a strange tree with a little
door built into it’s trunk. Use BRASS KEY on the tree door to unlock it,
then take the GOLDEN HEART from inside.
Walk left twice - you should see some eyes peeking out at you from
the foliage. Try talking to the eyes, but it’s no use. You’ll have to coax
them out another way.
Use HONEYCOMB on the ground (leaving you with some BEESWAX),
then drop EMERALD on the ground. Awww, a cute little elf comes out
and grabs the EMERALD. Drop another EMERALD on the ground, and
the elf comes out again to claim it. Drop your 3rd (and final) EMERALD
on the ground. This time, the elf gets stuck in the honey. Grab the elf,
and he agrees to show you the way out of the forest. The elf tells
Rocky the rock to move out of the way… and Rocky obediently does
so. What a good little rock! Now follow the elf through the path, until
you reach the cave. The elf gives you some FINE SHOES in return for
the EMERALDS. Now can continue along the path, and finally find your
way out of the Dark Forest.
Now you have the GOLDEN HEART, so let’s return It to it’s rightful
owner - the Willow tree.
Walk left one screen, and give GOLDEN HEART to the Willow tree.
Watch the cutscene as she becomes human again, and Alicia &
Herbert are re-united. Awww, young love! Get the HARP that Willow
tree\Alicia left behind.
Walk down one screen, to the gnome’s house, and give SPINNING
WHEEL to the gnomes. The old gnome is glad to get it back, and
explains that it can spin straw into gold. He gives you a MARIONETTE
in return.
Go down once, and right twice, so you are outside the town entrance.
Continue right, into the town centre. Enter the toyshop (the middle
shop), and talk to the Toymaker. Give MARIONETTE to the toymaker,
and he gives you a sled in return. Leave the toyshop.
Enter shoe shop on the right, and talk to the shoemaker and his wife.
They’re getting old, and they want to retire. Give them your FINE
SHOES, and he gives you his COBBLER’S HAMMER in return. Leave the
Now head left, and leave the town centre.
Go left twice, so you are outside the Inn. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, and
then enter the Inn. Talk to the Innkeeper… him and his friends rough
you up a bit, and leave you tied up in the basement. You’re not strong
enough to break your bonds. Luckily, the rat you saved earlier comes to
your rescue and gnaws through the rope. Pick up ROPE from the
ground - a good rope is always handy to have. Now try to open the
wooden door, only to find it’s locked with a padlock. Never mind, use
the COBBLER’S HAMMER on the door to break the padlock. Now try
again to open the wooden door - this time it works.
Walk through the door, to find yourself in the kitchen. Open kitchen
cupboard, and get LEG OF LAMB. Leave kitchen by the left exit (if you
go through the right exit, the innkeeper will kill you).
Head up twice, and then left once, so you are back at the gypsy camp.
If the gypsies are still here, leave the screen, then return. If the gypsies
are gone, great. Take the TAMBOURINE they left behind.
Go right 3 times, back to Crispin’s house, then down once to the
crossroads. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
There is a poisonous snake on pathway to the right. Use TAMBOURINE
on the snake, to scare it away. Now the path is clear, so head right to
the next screen.
You’re up in the mountains now, and it’s COLD! Start walking up the
path, but Graham soon begins shivering. Use your CLOAK on Graham,
to keep him warm. Walk up path to the next screen.
Graham is feeling hungry now, so give him LEG OF LAMB to eat. Now
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You seem to have reached a dead-end, but
there’s an overhanging rock above your head. Use ROPE on over-
hanging rock, and then climb up the rope.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. The waterfall has frozen, cos it’s so cold.
There’s a gap in the rock here, but look carefully for the small rocks
sticking out from the frozen waterfall, and click on them to cross over
the gap. Cross over the log, then walk right to the next screen.
Oh no! A wolf has kidnapped Cedric! Use your SLED on the icy slope to
chase after it. When your SLED breaks, walk right to the next screen.
There’s a starving eagle here. Give the other half of your LEG OF LAMB
to the eagle. After the eagle flies away, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Continue walking up the path, where you’ll be greeted by wolves, who
take you to Queen Icebella. She threatens to kill you and Cedric. As
soon as you are able, use your HARP on Graham to play some music.
This softens Queen Icebella, and instead of killing you, she now tasks
you with killing a yeti that is living in her Crystal Caves. Sir Greywolf
guides you to the cave entrance.
The yeti runs towards you as soon as you approach the cave entrance.
Quickly throw your CUSTARD PIE at the yeti - the custard will blind him
and he’ll fall off the cliff. Now head up into the cave.
Beautiful crystals sparkle everywhere in the cave. Look carefully at
back of the cave, to find ‘One particular brilliant crystal’, and try to take
it. However, you just can’t break a piece off with your hands. So use
your COBBLERS HAMMER on the crystal, and you manage to break a
piece off.
You’ve done what you came here to do - kill the yeti - so head back
down to where Sir Greywolf is waiting. Talk to wolf to tell it that the
yeti is dead. He leads you back to Queen Icebella. Since you completed
your task, she releases you and Cedric, so you are free to go. Sir
Greywolf leads you out of the cave.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Follow the path along, until you are
captured by the Roc (a giant 2-headed bird). Now you have to act
quickly here. The Roc takes you to her nest, as a meal for her egg
which is about to hatch. As soon as you land in the nest, get the
GOLDEN LOCKET. Just as the baby Roc is hatching, the eagle you fed
earlier comes to your rescue, and flies you to a beach area.
On the beach, get the IRON BAR from the sand. Walk up to the
waterfall, and look at the boat. You need to find Harpy Island - maybe
this boat can help you get there. Use your BEESWAX on the boat, to
fix a hole. Now maybe we can use the boat to get out of here. SAVE
Push the boat out to sea, and jump in. To get to Harpy Island, sail
down once and then right 4 times. If you sail too far up or too far
down, you get eaten by the sea monster.
As you approach the island, the Harpies swoop down, grab you and
Cedric, and take you up to a narrow ledge. When they start discussing
you, as soon as you are able, grab your HARP, and click it on Graham to
start playing it. This distracts the Harpies. One of them grabs your
harp and flies off - the others give chase, leaving you free to figure out
your next move. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
When the Harpies are gone, look around. If you look carefully, you will
see something glinting in the sand (right next to those dark rocks
jutting up). It’s a fishhook, so get the FISHHOOK.
Walk left one screen. Wow, that’s Cedric lying on the ground. Look at
him - the poor guy’s in bad shape. Get CEDRIC, and continue left to
next screen.
You’re back at the cove, where you arrived. There’s something glinting
in the sand. Walk over and get the CONCH SHELL. SAVE YOUR GAME
Enter your boat, and sail left 4 times.
You are back at the beach, but this time, you are outside the Hermit’s
Knock (or rather, pound!) on the door, but no-one answers. The
Hermit can’t hear you. There’s a little bell hanging up to the right of
his door, so ring the bell instead.
When the hermit comes out, give him your CONCH SHELL. He can hear
you now, and invites you and Cedric inside, so he can heal Cedric.
Watch the cutscene, as Pearl (a mermaid, no less) leads you to
Mordack’s Island.
Get the DEAD FISH, which is lying next to the stairs, then climb up the
stairs to the next screen.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Wow, those giant snake guardians don’t
look very friendly. Use your blue CRYSTAL SHARD on the statues, to
short-circuit their lasers. Now head on up to the next screen.
The castle gates are right in front of you. Your family lies beyond
those doors. You HAVE to rescue them. But… you can’t get in. The
doors won’t open. Looks like you’ll have to find another way inside the
There’s a path on the left of the doorway, heading up - follow it.
Hmmm, this seems to be a dead-end. All that’s here, Is a grate in the
stone platform.
Wait a minute…
Use your IRON BAR on the grate, to prop it open.
Now climb down through the grate, to find yourself in a maze.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. This maze is horrendous! What makes it
even worse, is that the prospective changes as Graham travels
through it, so North isn‘t always straight ahead. And even when it
looks like there’s a wall straight in front of you, you can often still
travel forward. But this is how to get through it:
As soon as you enter the maze…
Go Left
Go Up
Go Right
Go Up
Go Right
Go Left
Go Right
Go Left
Dink is here. Play your TAMBOURINE for him. Get the HAIRPIN.
Go Down
Go Right
Go Left
Go Right
Go Left
Go Up
Go Left
Go Up
Go Right
Go Left
Go Up
Go Left
Go Right
Go Left
Go Right
Go Left
Go Up
Go Left
Go Up
Go Right
There is a door here. Use HAIRPIN to unlock it.
Open door and enter through it.
You made it through the maze, and into the pantry. Open the cupboard
on the left, and take the BAG OF PEAS. Walk forward, into the kitchen.
Take a moment to look around the kitchen. There’s a young woman
here, scrubbing the floor. Try and talk to her, but she’s too afraid. Give
the GOLDEN LOCKET to her, and she recognises it as HER locket. She
tells you she is Princess Cassima. Watch the cutscene as she tells you
her tale. Now talk to here again, and tell her you are King Graham.
Walk right into the organ room, but resist temptation to play the
organ. Continue right into the dining room. A strange blue creature
should grab you, and throw you into the dungeon.
In the dungeon, look inside the mouse hole in the top wall. There’s
some CHEESE here, but it’s out of reach. Never mind, just use your
FISHHOOK to get the CHEESE. Wait a moment, and Cassima will come
and help you escape. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then follow her into
the dungeon.
Don’t worry, this time the dungeon is easy - simply follow where
Cassima goes, and you will end up back in the pantry. She can only
help you once, though, so don‘t get caught again.
Walk up into the kitchen, then right twice into the dining room, and
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Wait for the strange blue creature to show
up again, but this time, throw your BAG OF PEAS at it - it slips and falls.
Well that’s the blue beast taken care of, but if you remember your
‘vision’ from the gypsy fortune teller, Manannan the cat is also in the
castle… somewhere. You have to find him, and make sure he doesn’t
alert Mordack to your presence. So we need to find that cat. SAVE
From the dining room, walk down one screen, and take the lower-left
doorway. Now head up the stairs to the 1st floor. Head left into the
bedroom, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Manannan the cat is here. Quickly throw the FISH at him to distract
him, then use the empty PEA BAG to capture him.
Walk down into the library. Look at the bookshelves if you want, but
you can’t understand most of the books. However, there is an opened
tome lying on the desk in the foreground - click on it to read through it.
It contains 4 spells that will prove useful later on.
Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You can see Mordack’s bedroom from
here. Wait for a while, until you see Mordack entering and going to
sleep - just make sure you keep away from the door, so he doesn’t see
you. Creep up into his bedroom, and take his WAND from the
Walk right twice, so you are in the lab. Climb up the stairs, walk over
to the right, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. That’s a very strange
contraption you see. Basically, it transfers energy from one object to
another. Maybe you can use it to fix Crispin’s wand?
Place Crispin’s wand in one tray, and Mordack’s wand in the other tray.
Now to power it up. Simply throw the MOULDY CHEESE into it (don’t
ask!). It’s working… Crispin’s wand is now pulsing with energy, while
Mordack’s wand barely glows. As soon as you can, grab CRISPIN’S
WAND (before Mordack appears)
Mordack is clearly not happy! He tries to zap you, but zaps Cedric
instead. In a fit of anger, he turns himself into some kind of flying
beast. You can counter it (as long as your read that tome in the library)
by using CRISPIN’S WAND on him, and selecting the correct counter-
spell. So choose the TIGER SPELL (the last spell) to counteract him.
Next, he transforms into a dragon, so you choose the RABBIT SPELL
(2nd spell) to counteract him.
Then he transforms into a snake, so you choose the MONGOOSE
SPELL (the first spell) to counteract him.
Lastly, he traps you in a ring of fire, so choose the RAIN SPELL (the
3rd spell) to counteract him.
Well, that’s the end of Mordack!
Watch the final cutscene. Congratulations Graham, you are a hero
once again.
The End.