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This walkthrough was written by Frodo

for The Daventry Chronicles






Watch the ‘Previously On’, and the Intro cutscenes.  As Valanice dreams,

we get a terrifying glimpse into her past, before Graham rescued her.

 And Graham is full of guilt that he hasn’t been able to protect his



The scroll will tell you what ingredients to find next:  Male Subject’s

Strength, Female Subject’s Voice, A Silver Moon, and A Pinch Of Lively

Shaken Salt.  When you’re ready, exit close-up of the scroll.  


Valanice needs to rest, after her recent ordeal, so let her sleep, and

leave the bedroom.  After talking with Captain Saladin, you decide to

go and check on your children.  Follow path up & left, to the room with

2 guards outside.  


Enter the room.  Talk to Cassima, and ask about all topics.  When

conversation is over, look at Rosella and Alexander, and then talk to

them both.  Poor Graham!  Walk over to the bookshelf on the left, and

look at middle shelf.  Look at each of the items - a nice throwback to

KQ6.  Now exit the close-up, and then leave the room.  


Follow path down & right, and make your way downstairs to the Main

Hall.  Talk to Guard Dog outside the Throne Room, and ask her about

all topics.  She won’t let you into the Throne Room, so you’ll need to

distract her.  However, whatever you say, she comes back quickly, and

stops you from entering the Throne Room.  Damn!  


Leave the guard for now, and go through doorway on the left.  Look at

cart of food next to the kitchen door, and take MEAT from the cart.

 Walk up into the garden, and look at Edgar.  Talk to Edgar, and ask

about all topics.  When conversation is over, go up the garden steps to

the balcony.  Look at Shamir, then talk to him and ask about all topics.

 When conversation is over, make your way back to the Main Hall.  


Head upstairs again, and walk up to Cassima & Alexander’s room - it’s

the one with the 2 guard dogs.  Pay attention to what they’re saying.

 Now put the MEAT on bench to the right of the door.  Walk back

towards the alcove (it has the paintings in it), and watch the guard

dogs leave their post.   


Walk down to the Main Hall, and talk to guard dog outside the Throne

Room.  Remember, you’re still trying to get into the Throne Room  -

Distract The Guard’, and choose ‘Cassima’s Bedroom’, then watch as

she scolds the other guard dogs (heehee).  


Now quickly enter the Throne Room.  Have a look around, and pick up

RED TILE from the floor (how on earth did he get that in his pocket?)

 Look at it in your inventory, to see it’s a different colour on each side.

 Now leave the throne room.  


There’s nothing more you can do here, so leave castle by the front door.

 Walk down, and follow path to the village.  


Enter Ali’s Bookshop.  Look at Jollo, then talk to him and ask about all

topics.  Look at Ali, then talk to him and ask about all topics.  When

conversation is over, look at table next to the door, and look at book on

the table - ‘Deities Of The Forest Realm‘.  Pick up the book, read

through it, and return it to the table.  There’s a large bookcase along

the wall.  Look at the left shelf of the bookcase, the books here are on

marine life.  Take the book titled ’Folklore Of The Sea’, and read

through it, then return if to the shelf.  The next section of the book-

shelf has books on botany.  Take the book titled ’The Power Of

Nightshade’, and read through it, then return it to the shelf.  The next

section (to the right of the fireplace) is books on Fairytales.  Take the

book titled ‘Classic Fairy Tales’, and read through it, then return it to

the shelf.  The last section is books on Religion and Philosophy.  Take

the book titled ‘Amazing Myths’, and read through it, then return it to

the shelf.  These are the same books from Episode 2, but it does no

harm to read them again to refresh your memory - those books hold

important clues.  Leave the shop.  


Head left (not through the archway), into the market square.  Have a

look in the carpet shop if you like, but your goal is The Four Winds area

next to the blacksmith’s stall.  Watch, as the butterfly gets trapped in

the web.  You HAVE to save it… unfortunately, you can’t reach it.  

Maybe you can save it later.  Don’t touch the counter, or Black Widow

will bite you.  Look at the notice board on The Four Winds wall, and

read through the newspaper articles.  When you’re ready, exit the



Now talk to the blacksmith to learn about the problems he’s having

with his work.  Return to the village.  


Head up through the archway, then walk forward to end of the pier.

 Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of

The Mists.  







Walk left to the campfire.  Look at SKULL TOTEM next to home on the

right, and take SKULL TOTEM.  Enter home on the right - this is the

Arch Druid’s home.  Look at portrait on the wall.  Talk to Arch Druid,

and ask about all topics.  When conversation is over, look at the 3

candles below the portrait, and take the middle CANDLE.  Now leave

the home.  


Walk up & right to Stones Of The Sacred Circle.  Look at the Stones,

and look at the (now cold) fire.  Take BRANCH, which is lying next to

the fire.  


Now walk down, so you are back at the ferry.  Talk to Hassan, and tell

him YES you are ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of Wonder. 







Watch the red Draughts piece roll by.  Talk to Hassan and ask about

the Isle Of Wonder.  Walk left a little bit, and pick up SEASHELL from

the sand.  The mischievous red Draughts piece appears, and steals the

SHELL from you.  Follow the Draughts piece up into the garden, and

watch as he rolls through the gate.  Try to enter through the gate, but

the snapdragons attack you and prevent you from getting close.  Talk

to yourself to start whistling - all the plants start dancing, and the

snapdragons release you.  A PIECE OF ICEBERG LETTUCE broke off

from the Iceberg Lettuce patch, and fell onto the path - take PIECE OF



Walk through the yellow gate.  The 2 knights are here, and they’re still

arguing from the last time you were here.  Simply walk past them, to

the next screen. 


The Draughts piece is here, with your SHELL.  Try to grab the SHELL,

but the Draughts piece throws it towards the castle (BAD Draughts

piece!  BAD!).  Look at guillotine on the left, and look at net at base of

the guillotine to see some more old favourites.  Talk to Stick In The

Mud and Rotten Tomato to learn how they got here.  Try to take the

NET, but it’s tied to the guillotine - you’ll have to untie it.  Climb up

back of the guillotine, so you are standing in the base.  SAVE YOUR

GAME HERE.  Untie the rope.  OUCH!  Retry\Restore your game.  Use

BRANCH on guillotine to hold the blade up, then untie the knot on the

net.  Take BRANCH again.  Now climb down from the guillotine base,

and take NET from the guillotine.  ROTTON TOMATO & STICK IN THE

MUD also come along for the ride.  


Walk up to the castle.  The red Draughts piece is here, along with

some of his friends.  Hole In The Wall is also here (it’s always good to

see him!).  Try to get SHELL back from the red Draughts piece, but he

just tosses it to his friends.  Talk to Hole In The Wall, and ask for help

in getting the SEASHELL back - he’ll help you if the Draughts piece

toss the SHELL to him.  


Now this is a tricky puzzle, so SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Click on all 3

Draughts pieces, and notice which square the white piece goes to

when he throws the SHELL (diagonally up & right).  Remember the

TILE you got back in the castle?  Place TILE on that square, red-side up.

 Click on all Draughts pieces again, and when it’s the white piece’s turn,

he’s forced to jump to a different square to throw the SHELL, which

leads to a red Pawn getting the SHELL.  Pick up red TILE.  Click on red

Pawn with the SHELL, and notice what square he jumps to when

throwing the SHELL (diagonally down & right).  In your Inventory, click

on the red TILE to flip it over so it becomes white.  Now place the white

TILE on the relevant square.  Click on all the Pawns again, and the

upper red pawn is forced to jump to a different square to throw the

SHELL.  Now pick up white TILE, and place it on square diagonally up &

right from white Pawn at the bottom.  Click on all Pawns again, until

Hole In The Wall gets the SHELL.  He gives you the SHELL, as promised.

Success!  See the ‘Chess Puzzle’ diagram (seperate file) for more help.

 Now pick up the TILE again.  


Now leave the chessboard, and return to the garden.  As you walk

through the gate, notice the peapods on the right blossoming.  Take a

PEA.  Walk forward a bit, and a pair of GARDEN SHEARS will fly at you.

 The Isle Of Wonder sure is a dangerous place!  Take GARDEN SHEARS.


Walk down to the beach.  Walk left a little bit, and use your CUP with

the sea water.  Remember that sea water is salty, and salt is one of the

ingredients you‘re looking for.  You just have to find a way to extract

the salt from the water.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you’re ready

to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Sacred Mountain. 







Take NIGHTSHADE FLOWER that’s on the left of the stairs.  Climb up

the stairs if you want, but the guards won’t talk to you.  When you’re

ready, talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you’re ready to sail.  Sail back to

Isle Of The Crown. 







Walk up from the docks, into the village.  Walk left to the market area,

and continue left to The Four Winds wall.  The butterfly is still caught in

the spider’s web.  In your Inventory, combine NET with the BRANCH,

then use NET & BRANCH on the butterfly to free her.  In your Inventory,

look at the BUTTERFLY to see she’s still covered in webbing.  Poor little



Walk right, back to the village, then up through the arch, and walk

forward to the docks.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are ready

to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Mists. 







Walk left to the campfire, then walk up & left to the woman weeping

by the river.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Talk to her and… WOW!  Bet you

never expected that!  Retry\Restore you game.  Talk to the Weeping

Woman again, and this time, when she screams at you, quickly use your

NIGHTSHADE FLOWER on her to take her breath away.  She

transforms into a giant crow-beast.  She’s really the Guardian Of The

Forest, and she’s doing her best to protect the forest.  Look at the

crow-beast, and note her red & blue eyes.   You hopefully read about

this in Ali’s Bookshop.  In your Inventory, look at the SKULL TOTEM,

and notice that it has one red ball and one blue ball.  Use Hand icon on

the SKULL TOTEM to insert the coloured balls into the eye sockets.

 Now use SKULL TOTEM on the crow-beast twice, and she transform

into a different crow-beast - one that looks less ferocious.  Look at her,

then talk to her twice to learn that the only way into the Heart Of The

Forest is to become a druid.  Walk back to the campfire, and enter the

Arch Druid’s home (the home on the right).  


Talk to the Arch Druid, and ask about the Guardian.  He gives you some

useful information, including a clue that the Guardian protects even

the smallest things in nature, like a butterfly.  Leave the Arch Druid’s



Walk right, back to the docks.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are

ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Crown.  







Walk up from the docks, into the village.  Continue right to the tree, and

look at Sing-Sing, the nightingale.  Now go back left to the village, and

see the Pawn Shop owner entering his shop (looking at Sing-Sing

might seem insignificant, but the Pawn Shop owner won’t appear until

you have done this).  


Enter Pawn Shop, and look at all the wonderful items here.  Look at the

blue Refilling Bowls in front of the counter for a funny scene. Talk to

Hakim (the shop owner), and ask about all topics.  When conversation

is over, look at sign on the counter about the Web-B-Gone potion.

 Unfortunately, you don’t have a crystal tear to trade for it.  


Leave the shop, and head up through the archway, to the docks.  Talk

to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of








Walk up the beach, into the garden.  Look at cabbages on the left, to

see that they are crying.  Use your PIECE OF ICEBERG LETTUCE on the

cabbage to freeze the cabbage’s tears - you automatically get a

FROZEN BABY’S TEAR.  It looks like crystal!  


Go back down to the beach.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are

ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Crown.  








Walk up from the docks, into the village.  Enter the Pawn Shop, and

give FROZEN BABY’S TEAR to Hakim, in exchange for the bottle of

WEB-B-GONE.  In your Inventory, use WEB-B-GONE with the web-

infested BUTTERFLY to free her.  Now leave the shop.  Walk up to the

docks, and talk to Hassan.  Tell him YES, you are ready to sail.  Sail to

Isle Of The Mists.  







Head left to the campfire, then up & left to the Guardian.  Show

BUTTERFLY to the Guardian to prove you are a friend of the forest.  

You are finally allowed to enter the Heart Of  The Forest.  


Walk up into Heart Of The Forest, and look at the tree,  Isn’t it

beautiful!  Note how one of the emeralds is shaped like a crescent

moon.  Touch the tree, and watch a cut scene with the Tree Dryad.  So

Valanice is of Druid heritage?  Interesting!  Look at rock on the right, to

see an inscription - ‘A symbol of self from the druid who seeks nature’s



Walk down, and watch a cut scene with Valanice and Shadrack.  Just

what hell did Valanice endure, when she was locked in that tower all

those years ago?  


Make your way back to the docks, and talk to Hassan.  Talk to Hassan,

and tell him YES, you are ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Crown.  







Walk up from the docks, into the village.  Head right, and follow path to

the castle.  


Enter the castle.  Head up the right staircase, and talk to Captain

Saladin, and ask about all topics.  When conversation is over, enter your

room, and look at Valanice as she sleeps.  Take her CROWN (it’s needed

to help Rosella and Alexander), and find yourself in a mysterious dark

realm.  This is near the tower where Valanice was held prisoner.  







Walk left, and see the Black Shadow.  It’s blocking your way.  SAVE

YOUR GAME HERE.  Look for the white horse, and climb onto his back.

Now follows a hard arcade sequence.  Unfortunately there is no way to

skip it, and the game won’t let you Save your progress.  You have to

ride the horse along a long, narrow bridge, avoid the Shadow Monsters

that try to attack you.  Watch for when they turn to face you, then

dodge in the opposite direction.  


When you reach end of the bridge, a wagon sits in front of you.  Open

door of the wagon to enter it.  Monsters are still attacking from

outside.  Open drawer under the seat to find a KEY, and pick up the

KEY.  Notice there is a small window above the seat and a larger

window next to the seat - break the small window above the seat, and

climb out.  When the Monsters start pushing the wagon, jump out.  


Run up stairs to the door, and use KEY to unlock the door.  Enter tower,

and close the door behind you.  Inside, is a long, winding staircase.  

Start climbing up.  When the Monster attacks, grab TORCH from the

wall, and use it on the Monster.  Continue up the stairs.  When the next

Monster attacks, take another step forward, and the stairs will break,

leaving you hanging on for dear life!  Hover your mouse at lower-right

corner, and when you get the chance, kick the monster, then climb up

the stairs again.  Continue upwards.  When you reach the top, open

door and enter room, and close the door behind you.  Quickly move

cupboard in front of the door, to stop the Monsters from getting in.


Talk to Valanice out on the balcony, and watch an emotional cutscene.







When the cut scene ends, you find yourself back in the castle.  I

suggest you SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at the sleeping Valanice,

then leave the room.  Walk down the stairs, and leave castle by the

front door.  


Make your way to the docks.  Talk to Hassan and tell him YES, you are

ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Mists.  







Walk left, then up & left, and follow path to Heart Of The Forest.  Look

at rock to right of the tree, and see the inscription.  Use CROWN on the

rock, and it will burst into blue flames.  Look at the rock again to see a

new inscription.  Use FAND’S CANDLE on the blue flames to light it.  


Walk down, and follow path to the campfire.  Enter the Arch Druid’s

home to see that he is not there.  Use FAND’S CANDLE to light one of

the candles on the floor (doesn’t matter which one), and you will hear a

noise form outside.  You see an overhead view of the candles - note

how the symbols are signs of the Zodiac.  Now if you read the books in

Ali’s Bookshop, you’ll know you have to light up certain candles.  


You need to empower the NIGHTSHADE FLOWER (as per The Power Of

Nightshade book), which requires Air & Water symbols.  So the candles

that need to be lit are: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer.

 If you start at the candle at Graham’s feet, and number that 1,

continue numbering in a clockwise direction.  


Forgive my attempt at a circle, but hopefully you get the idea.  



               3                5

       2                             6

1   (waves)                          7

     12                             8

          11                 9





Use FAND’S CANDLE to light up candles 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10


Leave Arch Druid’s home, and go up & right to Sacred Circle Of Stones.

 See all the symbols that are glowing on the stones.  Also, note the ball

of energy glowing the fire pit.  Place NIGHTSHADE FLOWER in the

glowing fire pit, and watch the reaction.  You automatically pick up the

EMPOWERED NIGHTSHADE FLOWER.  Return to Arch Druid’s home,

and enter his home.  


You also need to empower the GARDEN SHEARS (as per Amazing

Myths book), which needs the power of Earth and Fire.  Use circle of

candles, and extinguish them all by clicking on them.  Now using my

diagram above: 


Use FAND’S CANDLE to light candles 3, 4, 7,8, 11, 12


Leave Arch Druid’s home, and go up & right to Sacred Circle Of Stones.

 See all the symbols that are glowing on the stones.  Also, note the ball

of energy glowing the fire pit.  Place GARDEN SHEARS in the glowing

fire pit, and watch the reaction.  You automatically pick up the



Walk down to the docks.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are

ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Crown.  







Head up, and follow path all the way to the castle.  


Enter castle, and climb up left staircase.  Follow path round to Rosella &

Alexander’s room, and enter their room.  Use GARDEN SHEARS on

Alexander to get a LOCK OF HAIR.  Now in your Inventory, combine

NIGHTSHADE FLOWER and SHELL.  Place the PEA under Rosella’s

mattress (as per the Fairytales book), then use the NIGHTSHADE

FLOWER & SHELL combination on Rosella, to get her voice.  You now

have 2 ingredients from the list.  Exit close-up of the scroll.  Now click

on Rosella to get the PEA back.  


Leave the room, leave the castle, and make your way back to the

Market Square.  Head left to the blacksmith.  He’s hard at work here.

 Show him your SCROLL, and ask him to make you a silver crescent

moon.  The blacksmith will tell you he needs a mold first.  Fair enough.


Make your way to the docks, talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are

ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Mists.  







Head left, then up & left, and follow path to Heart Of The Forest.  Look

at the tree, and note that one emerald is shaped like a crescent moon

(bottom-left area).  Use your melted CANDLE on the crescent-shaped

emerald to get a perfect impression of a crescent moon.  Also, look

again at rock with the blue flames.  Use CUP OF SEA WATER on the

blue flames - the CUP will hop up & down because the flames are hot.

But this boils away the sea water, leaving you with LIVELY SHAKEN

SALT.  That’s another ingredient.  The poor CUP is understandable

cross with you!  


Go back to the docks.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you’re ready to

sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Crown.  







Follow path up to the village, then head left to the Market Square.  Go

left, and talk to the blacksmith.  Give him CANDLE WITH CRESCENT

SHAPE IMPRESSION in it.  He needs time to do his work, so leave him

alone for now.  Walk to the castle, and then return here.  Talk to him

again, and he’ll give you the SILVER CRESCENT MOON.  


Your last ingredient is crossed of the scroll now, but is replaced with

an image of Cassima giving her speech.  Exit close-up of the scroll.  


Now the game may crash at this point - it does for me.  Hopefully it

won't, and you can enjoy the final gut-wrenching cutscene of the

episode.  If it does, I recommend you watch the final cutscene on




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