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This walkthrough was written by Frodo

for The Daventry Chronicles






Watch the emotional intro, as a dark magic overcomes Princess Rosella

and Prince Alexander, leaving them in a deep coma.  Now it is up to

King Graham to save his children.  


You begin your adventures outside Rosella and Alexander’s room.  Have

a look around, and talk to the Guard Dogs.  Take upper-right exit into

the next corridor.  


There are 2 doors here -  Go through the lower door - that’s the room

you and Valanice are staying in.  Have a look around the grand room.

 Touch the dressing screen to change into your Adventurer’s outfit.

 Search chest at end of the bed, and getpouch of GOLD COINS.  Walk

right a little bit, and look in the mirror.  Open glass door on the right,

and head out to the balcony.  Look in both the dish-like bowls, and get

the DAVENTRY COIN.  Leave the balcony and leave the room.


Back in the corridor, walk down a little bit, and go down the stairs.  


In the Grand Hall, go through door on the left (under the stairs).  Look

at suit of armour, and touch suit of armour.  Now go forward, into the



The garden is beautiful.  Take the STRANGER’S BLACK CLOAK.  

Edgar’s parents are sitting out here - go and talk to them.  Ask about

all topics.


Now return to the Grand Hall.  Open the front door, and head outside.


Outside the castle door, look at guard dog, and talk to guard dog twice.

 Walk down to the next screen.  Look at the tree, and look at Sing-Sing

(the nightingale) nesting in the tree with her babies.   


Try to walk down again, but you are stopped by a falling tree.  Take the

left-fork to the village.  


The banner that hung over the archway, celebrating Cassima and

Alexander’s birthday is struck down by lightning.  Look at the strange

man with the ‘Dooms Day’ sign.  Look at note on the Pawn Shop door. -

how could the note just disappear like that?  


Walk left, into the Village Square.  Have a look around - it’s deserted

though, everyone has packed up for the day, following the tragic

events.  Return to the village.  


Head up through the archway, to find yourself at the docks.  Walk

down a little bit, until you see the ferry.  Now for a bit of fun, Save your

game, and jump into the sea (hee hee).  When you’ve Restored your

game, talk to Hassan, and ask about all topics.  You need to borrow his

ferry, but he refuses to lend it to you because he doesn’t believe you’re

really King Alexander’s father.  Show Hassan your DAVENTRY COIN.

 Talk to him again, but he still won’t lend you his ferry.  Give him your

pouch of GOLD COINS.  Finally!  He agrees to take you on his ferry.  Talk

to him again, and say ‘YES’, you’re ready to sail.  Travel to Isle Of The

Sacred Mountain.  






Look at NIGHTSHADE FLOWER on the shore.  Climb up the stairs, to

the top.  Phew!  That was exhausting!  Now watch the cutscene, as

Graham talks to the Winged Ones, and also the Oracle.  


When the guards place you back on the shore, walk back into the

water, and climb into the ferry.  Tell Hassan you want to go to Isle Of

The Mists.






Watch cutscene as the Arch Druid tells Graham he can only help his

children by entering their dreams - he must travel to Realm Of The

Dreams to collect ingredients for the Arch Druid to cast the spell. 


Watch another cutscene to end the chapter.  

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