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This walkthrough was written by Frodo

for The Daventry Chronicles






Watch the ‘Previously On’, and the Intro cutscenes.  We see Rosella and

Shadrack with Pandora’s Box.  We also see Queen Cassima give her

speech to the kingdom, hoping to re-assure her people that King

Alexander WILL recover.  


The scroll will tell you what ingredients to find next:  The Richest Fruit

In The Land, An Evening Glory, and An Ebony Rose Bathed In The Blood

Of The One Who Wishes To Travel To The Realm Of Dreams.  When

you’re ready, exit close-up of the scroll.  


When the speech is over, you’re left standing in the Main Hall of the

castle.  Walk forward, climb up the left staircase, and follow the path

up & round.  Enter Rosella and Alexander’s room (the room with 2

guard dogs).  Look at middle shelf of the bookcase, to see Alexander’s

mementos from his first adventure in Land Of The Green Isles.  Take

FLUTE and take TINDERBOX.  Leave the room.  


Take upper-right path, and talk to Captain Saladin.  Enter your room to

check on Valanice - nothing has changed.  Leave the room, and go back

downstairs to the Main Hall.  


Enter door on the left (under the stairs), and head up, into the garden -

you see Pan playing his lute.  Now go up garden stairs on the left, and

go through the doorway.  Follow path round until you see Pan sitting

on the railing.  Talk to Pan, and he’ll say that he misses his home.  If

you’ve played KQ4, you’ll know that when Rosella first met him, he

played a FLUTE.  Give FLUTE to Pan, and he’ll give you his LUTE in

exchange.  He plays a beautiful melody on the FLUTE.  Now make your

way back to the Main Hall.  

Leave the castle by the front door, and head down one screen.  Look at

Sing Sing (the nightingale) in the tree.  How odd - she has eggs in her

nest.  Weren’t they hatchlings yesterday?  Now follow path to the



Enter Pawn Shop.  Talk to Hakim, and ask about all topics (you may

have already had this conversation in Episode 3).  When conversation is

over, leave the shop.  


Look at banner above the archway, celebrating Alexander and Rose (the

last 3 letters of her name are missing) 21st birthday.  But… that

banner was struck down by lightning yesterday.  How could it be

displayed here again?  


Enter Ali’s Bookshop.  Look at book on the table next to the fireplace -

it’s a poetry book.  Pick up POETRY BOOK to read it.  Ali tells you to

keep the book.  Look at books in the bookshelf in you like, but they

served their purpose in the last episode.  Leave the shop.  


Walk left (not through the archway), and make your way towards the

market place.  As you pass the Magic Carpet shop, you hear the owners

talking about how they need to repair their hot air balloon.  Enter Magic

Carpet shop, and talk to the owners.  Talk to the woman selling clothes,

and she tries (and fails) to sell you a garment.  When you’re ready, leave

the shop.  


Go left again, and look at the fountain.  Wait a minute… the water is

flowing BACKWARDS!  What is going on here?  Continue left, and talk

to the Lamp Seller (green tent).  Now leave the Market Place, and

return to the Village.  


Head up through the archway and make your way down to the docks.

Walk to end of the docks, and look at the sea nymph splashing around

in the sea.  Talk to her, and ask about all topics.  She tells you, if you

can find a way for her to fly, she will give you her WINGED SHOES.  

When conversation is over, talk to Hassan.  Tell him YES, you are ready

to sail.  Sail to Isle Of Wonder.







Walk up to the garden, open the yellow gates, and go through to

Chessboard Land.  Continue up to the walled area of the castle, and see

the Red Queen and White Queen arguing… about the game that was

supposed to be finished yesterday!  Why is everything going

backwards?  Watch the cutscene, where Graham agrees to find the

White King.  


Return to the beach.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are ready to

sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Beast.  







So this is Isle Of The Beast?  You’ve heard so much about this place

from your son, Alexander.  Now you finally get to see it for yourself.  

Talk to Hassan, and ask him about Isle Of The Beast.  


Now walk up to the fountain.  Look at the fountain - it’s flowing

backwards, just like the fountain in the Market Place.  Weird!  Open the

gate and go into the hedge maze.  







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Through the gate, go straight forward until

you see the white gazebo - go up into the gazebo.  Look at the music

stands to have a memory about Rosella.  Take GOLDEN BATON from

the stool, and then leave the gazebo area.   


Continue right until you see the pool.  Enter the pool area and look at

the pool - it looks so calming.  Take LAVA LAMP, and then leave the

pool area.  


Now return left a bit, until you see a path going into the circular area -

enter that area, and follow path until you at centre of the maze.  Look

at the statue to see a poem about the Black Rose.  Very mysterious…

what could it mean?  Now look at the plaque at base of the statue (you

must look at the statue AND the plaque separately), and look at hole in

the plaque.  It looks like something should go there… you just don’t

know what, yet.  Well, you can’t do anything here at the moment, so

leave the statue area.  Now click SCROLL on yourself, and see an ‘X

Marks The Spot’ appear somewhere in the maze.  Click on arrow at

bottom right of the scroll, and look at the new text that’s appeared on

the scroll.  Click the right arrow again, to see a picture of ‘X Marks The

Spot’.  But where on earth is it?    If you look closely at picture on the

scroll, you can see the statue somewhere in the top left background.

Exit close-up of the SCROLL.  


Exit the statue \ circular area, and make your way back to the gazebo at

start of the maze.  Now go down the path directly to the left of

entrance to the gazebo, and notice how the hedge on the right looks

slightly different (sort of on the back wall of the gazebo square).  Use

your EMPOWERED SHEARS on that area of the hedge to cut your way

through.  Follow path, until you finally get to the entrance of the castle.

Phew!  Walk up to the castle, and knock on door to enter.  







Watch a cut-scene as the prince takes Graham through to the garden.


Look at the beautiful pond.  Talk to the prince, and ask about all topics.

 Walk right, back into the castle.  Look at the fireplace.  Look at

painting above the fireplace, and touch the painting to discover that

the horn is real.  Look at mirror above the painting.  


There is a door next to the fireplace - click on it to open it.  It’s very dark

here.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now walk down the stairs - OOPS!  

Love the narrator’s comments here (heehee).  Now Retry\Restore your

game.  Use TINDERBOX on the darkness to light your way, and then

climb down the stairs in safety.  Look at wine bottles on rack to the

right.  Look at grate on the floor, and walk over the grate (poor

Graham).  Now take SPADE that is lying next to the stairs.  Look at

barrel next to the stairs to see animal prints, and use TINDERBOX on

base of the barrel to reach under and get some FUR.  Look at barrels

on the left to see the termites.  Try and talk to them if you want, but

you don’t understand them.  There is nothing more you can do here, so

climb back up the stairs.  


Back in the hall, look at gargoyle that guards the staircase.  Climb up

the staircase to the balcony above, and look at painting on the wall.

Climb back down the stairs, and return to the garden.  


Talk to the prince, and ask about the painting.  But the prince doesn’t

want you to take it.  Leave the prince’s garden, and exit castle through

the front door.  Walk down, away from the castle, and you

automatically go back to the path next to the gazebo.  







Okay, you’re still looking for that ‘X Marks The Spot’.  Walk forward a

little, then follow path up, a little bit left, and then down again, so you

can still see the gazebo.  Stop here - don’t continue left.  Now use

SPADE on the ground in this area.  If you’re in the right area, you’ll see a

cutscene with Graham digging.  You find a DOOR LOCK WITH KEY-

HOLE, but no key.  I guess you’ll have to find the key, now.  


Click SCROLL on yourself, then click arrow at bottom right of the scroll

to see the poem.  The poem is title ‘To Find A Key’.  Could this be

instruction on finding the key?  The poem mentions a pool, so I guess

that must be your starting point.  Exit SCROLL close-up, and make

your way right, to the pool.  


At close-up of the pool, click SCROLL on yourself again, and click on

arrow at bottom right to see the poem.  Take note of the names of

the 4 maids - Wanda, Sera, Nora, Elena.  They begin with W, S, N, E -

compass directions.  Read the poem again, then exit the SCROLL close-

up.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Head East, South, West, South, West,

North.  Now you should be at a point where you can see the statue on

your left, and the pool in the upper-right.  Use SPADE on the ground to

dig here.  If you’re in the right spot, you’ll get a close-up of Graham

digging.  You find an OLD KEY.  


Make your way to the statue \ circular area, and click on plaque at base

of the statue.  Insert DOOR LOCK into hole in the statue plaque, then

insert OLD KEY into the DOOR LOCK.  A door opens in the statue, and

you automatically take the BLACK ROSE.  This is almost one of the

ingredients you’re looking for - you just need to ‘bathe it in blood’.  


Find your way to entrance of the maze again, and from here, return to

the dock.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you’re ready to sail.  Sail to

Isle Of The Mists.  







Talk to Hassan and ask him about Isle Of The Mists.  Walk left to Arch

Druid’s house.  Arch Druid is outside his house, so talk to him and ask

about the storm.  When you’ve finished talking to him, head up through

top-left exit to the stream (this is where you met the Forest Guardian

in Episode 3), and continue up to Heart Of The Forest.  


Watch a cutscene with the Ranger.  Watch another cutscene with the

SCROLL, to learn the history of the Black Cloak Society and the White

Cloak Society.  When cut scenes are over, take a GEM from the Dryad

tree.  This gem can store memories in it - could be useful!  


Return to the docks, and talk to Hassan.  Tell him YES, you’re ready to

sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Beast.  







Head up to the fountain, then up again to the hedge maze.  Walk

forward until you see the gazebo, and go up path directly left of the

gazebo entrance.  You cut a hole in this part of the hedge earlier, so

simply step through the hedge.  Now follow paths through the twists

& turns, until you reach the castle.  Open door to enter the castle.  


In the hall, use GEM on painting above the fireplace.  It holds the image

of the painting in it’s memory.  Suddenly, you hear Beauty scream.

 Follow her out into the garden - the prince has changed back into

Beast.  Oh no!  He’s devastated!  So is Beauty!


After the cutscene, go back out to the garden.  There is a WHITE ROSE

lying near the pond - take it.  Use WHITE ROSE on yourself to prick

yourself and get blood on the rose.  Now in your inventory, use WHITE


have your first ingredient, Graham.  Well done.  


The ingredient will be crossed off the scroll.  Exit close-up of the scroll.

 Leave Beauty & Beast, and return to the docks.  Talk to Hassan, and

tell him YES, you’re ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Crown.  







Walk up to the village, and head right twice to the castle.  Enter castle,

and walk into the Throne Room.  Look at pot of glue on the right and

use GOLDEN BATON on pot of glue, to get a STICKY BATON.  In your

inventory, combine FUR with STICKY BATON to get a GOLD PAINT

BRUSH.  Now leave the Throne Room, and leave castle by the front



Make your way back to the village, and enter the Pawn Shop.  Look at

big PIECE OF WOOD next to the giant jackalope, and try to take PIECE

OF WOOD.  Talk to Hakim, and ask about the PIECE OF WOOD (if you

haven‘t tried to take the piece of wood, this topic won‘t appear).  

Hakim lets you take it for free, so pick up PIECE OF WOOD (Graham

must have HUGE pockets!).  Now leave the shop.  


Head left (not through the archway) to Market Square.  


Talk to the Lamp Seller (green tent), and give him the LAVA LAMP you

found in Beast’s hedge maze.  He gives you a large green lamp with

flames in return (how on earth did Graham get that in his pocket?).  


Walk right to the Magic Carpet shop, and talk to the carpet salesmen.

Their hot air balloon is still ripped.  They give you a GREEN CARPET.  

In your inventory, use hand icon on the GREEN CARPET to get a LOOSE

THREAD.  Now exit inventory screen.  Talk to the woman selling

dresses to ask her about repairing the hot air balloon - she tells you

she needs some magical thread.  Give her your LOOSE THREAD.  Now

give LARGE GREEN LAMP to the carpet salesmen, and they’re finally

able to repair their hot air balloon.  They tell you to meet them down

at the docks.  


Leave Market Place, and return to the docks.  Watch a cutscene as you

and the sea nymph get a fantastic ride in the hot air balloon.  You are

dropped of at Isle Of The Sacred Mountain.







As promised, the sea nymph gives you her FLYING SHOES.  Climb up

the stairs.  I swear, those stairs get longer every time!  In your inventory,

combine MAGIC CARPET with the FLYING SHOES, then click FLYING

SHOES on yourself to fly up to the Winged Ones city.  


Wow, you get quite a view from up here.  Click on the four statues to

learn who they are.  Note that each of the statues is connected to a

musical instrument.  


Fly to high-up building on the left to enter Temple Of The Winged

Ones.  Watch a cut scene, then ask about all topics.  When

conversation is over, exit the Temple.  


Fly to large structure in the middle - this is the Artist’s Courtyard.  Look

at fountain in the courtyard.  Now talk to painter on the left, but he’s

not very friendly.  Give him your GREEN GEM, and he’ll agree to

recreate the painting for you.  Look at book stand behind the painter,

and see the book titled ‘Photography In Hollywood’.  What a strange



Talk to the 3 Muses on the left, and ask about all topics.  When

conversation is over, give them POETRY BOOK, and while they are

reading it, take the HARP from the steps.  


Walk up to the theatre, and watch the play of Othello.  Superb



Now leave the courtyard, so you are at the overview again.  Fly left,

back to the mountain top.  Climb down the stairs, back to the beach.

Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of

The Mists.  







Walk left to Arch Druid’s house.  The woman that was playing the

DRUM here, has now left, leaving her DRUM behind.  Take the DRUM.

 Go right again, and talk to Hassan.  Tell him YES, you are ready to sail.

 Sail to Isle Of The Sacred Mountain. 







Climb up the stairs again, and use WINGED SHOES on yourself to fly

up to the overview.  Fly to large courtyard in the middle of screen.  Talk

to the painter on the left (friendly as ever, not!), and automatically take

your REPLICA PAINTING.  Fly left, back to the overview.  


Fly left again, back to top of the mountain, then climb downstairs to

the beach.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are ready to sail.  Sail

to Isle Of The Beast.  







Walk up to the fountain, then up again to the hedge maze.  Walk right

to the gazebo area, and head up path directly left of entrance to the

gazebo.   Remember, you cut hole in the hedge earlier, so simply walk

through the hole.  Follow path through the twist and turns until you

reach the castle.  Open door, and enter the castle.  


In the hall, swap your REPLICA PAINTING with the painting above the

fireplace, so you have ORIGINAL PAINTING.  In your inventory, use hand

icon on the ORIGINAL PAINTING to get the HORN.  Now combine all 4

instruments in your inventory.  


Remember door to the left of the fireplace?  Open door, and climb

down the stairs.  Look at barrels at lower-left to see the termites

(yuck!), and then give PIECE OF WOOD to the termites.  They have a

field day with the wood, and eventually create an impressive CHESS

KING for you.  It just needs painting, then it’s good to go.  


Leave the castle, and make your way back to the beach.  Talk to

Hassan, and tell him YES you are ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The

Sacred Mountain.  







Climb up the stairs, and use WINGED SHOES on yourself to fly up to

the overview.  Fly to large courtyard in middle of the screen.  Give

CHESS KING to painter on the left, and ask him to paint it white.  He

demands a PAINTBRUSH, so give him your GOLDEN PAINT BRUSH.  

Now fly left, so you are back at the overview.  


Fly forward, until you reach the wall at the back of the city.  Now use

INSTRUMENTS on yourself, and watch the cutscene.  A hole is broken

through the wall - fly through the hole, and look at the golden tree.  If

you look closer, you’ll see that the tree makes up part of a larger face.

Take GOLDEN FRUIT which is hanging in front of one of the eyes, and

watch as the second ingredient is crossed of your scroll.  Now exit the

scroll close-up.  Fly left, back to the overview.


Fly to large courtyard  in middle of the screen.  Talk to painter on the l

eft to get your WHITE CHESS KING.  If it isn’t ready yet, simply leave

the screen, then return.  


Now leave the area, and make your way back down to the beach.  Talk

to Hassan, and tell him YES you’re ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of Wonder.







Walk up to garden, open yellow gate, and walk through to Chessboard

Land.  In your inventory, combine STICK-IN-THE-MUD & ROTTEN

TOMATO with WHITE CHESS KING, and they agree to climb inside the

CHESS KING to make him seem alive.  


Continue up to the walled garden area.  Watch the cutscene as the

chess game plays out… and ends up in a brawl, hehe.  Still, at least you

got the EVENING GLORY, which is the final ingredient you’re looking



After the cutscene, EVENING GLORY is scored off your scroll, but is

replaced by an image of Shamir.  That can’t be good!  


Leave the area, and return to the beach.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him

YES, you’re ready to sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Crown.  







Head up from the docks, and make your way to the castle.  Enter castle,

walk forward, then enter door on the left (under the stairs).  Go up into

the garden, and climb garden stairs up to the balcony.  Talk to Shamir, and watch the cutscene where Shamir remembers about Shadrack.

 Now ask Shamir about Time Events.  Things are looking very bleak!  


When conversation is over, an image of the Arch Druid appears on your

scroll.  Exit the close-up.  


Return to the docks.  Talk to Hassan, and tell him YES, you are ready to

sail.  Sail to Isle Of The Mists.  







Walk left to the Arch Druid’s house.  Enter house, and SAVE YOUR

GAME HERE.  Talk to the Arch Druid to give him all the ingredients.

 Watch a cutscene with him, followed by an emotional cutscene with

your wife.  







The cutscene has taken you back to the Isle Of The Crown.  Graham &

Valanice have an emotional talk, and Graham ALMOST asks her about

her druid heritage… but then decides against it.  When Graham leaves,

we see a flashback to yesterday, and we are now Valanice.  


Valanice lies down for a sleep, and dreams about Rosella being

tortured in the cave we saw at beginning of the episode.  Shadrack tells

Valanice to open the box (Pandora’s Box).  


Now for a hard action scene.  The game won’t let you Save manually,

but it will create Save Points for you.  Talk to Shadrack and ask about

the Box.  Agree to open it (if you refuse, he kills Rosella).  Walk over to

table on the right, and against your better judgement, attempt to open

the Box.  


A pop-up box gives you the choice of Difficulty Mode - Normal or Easy (I

chose Easy).  Now, you’re holding the Box, and it has 3 glowing Zodiac

signs on each side.  You can rotate the Box.  Four rotating circles

appear on the screen (2 on each side).  Now you have to recreate each

glowing Zodiac sign from the Box by using parts of Zodiac Signs from

the 4 rotating circles.  When you click on something from the rotating

circles, it appears in mirror above the box.  As I said, you have to click

on the correct combination of Zodiac-parts from the circles to recreate

a whole Zodiac sign from the box.  But if you click on the wrong

combination too many times, it falls apart, and you have to start that

Zodiac sign again.  And after a while, the rotating circles move faster.




Now I must apologise here.  I hate making reviews without a complete

Walkthrough to go with it.  But this Zodiac action puzzle has me beat.

 And it’s not skippable, which makes it even worse.  Thus, I can’t go any

further in the game.  












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