This walkthrough was written by Frodo
for The Daventry Chronicles
You begin your adventures washed up on the shores of an unknown
beach, after having traveled for several months in search of the Land
of the Green Isles.
Get your INSIGNIA RING from the sand near the water. Move plank on
the left, and open the wooden box hidden underneath, then get a
COPPER COIN from the box. Walk up one screen, so you are at a
crossroads, and a tree.
Look at tree in front of you, and take the right fork, up to the castle.
Talk to the Guard Dogs, and they inform you that you’ve landed on the
Isle Of The Crown, and that Cassima does indeed live in this castle.
However, they won’t let you see Cassima, no matter how much you
protest. You need to prove you’re royalty, first. So show them your
INSIGNIA RING. After inspecting the ring, they finally believe you are
who you claim to be, so they fetch Captain Saladin, who allows you to
speak to the Vizier. However, the Vizier informs you that Cassima is in
mourning, after the passing of her parents, and will not be receiving
visitors. Your heart sinks at this news, but there is nothing more to be
done. Walk back down to the crossroads.
Now take the left-fork, into the town. If the lamp merchant is here,
talk to him. He is offering new lamps in exchange for old lamps, in the
hope that he’ll one day come across a magic lamp.
Enter Ali’s Bookshop. Talk to the shop owner. Try and talk to the man
in the black robe if you want, but he just ignores you. Look at all the
bookshelves, and get the POETRY BOOK from shelf on the right. After
leafing through it, you put the book back, but a page falls out - get the
LOVE POEM that fell to the floor. The shop owner allows you to keep
the poem. Look carefully on the counter, and see the spell book. Click
on the spell book, and the shop owner tells you he will exchange it for a
different book of equal value. Sit down in the chair by the fireplace
(what a cosy shop!), and read the book about court entertainers. There
is a small ‘Bargain Table’ near the door - take BOOK from the bargain
table. Leave the bookshop.
Enter the Pawn Shop. Talk to the shop owner, to learn that travelling
between the 5 isles that make up this region, is no longer possible.
Look at the shelves, and have a good chuckle about all the bizarre
merchandise. If you’ve played the previous King’s Quest games, you
will recognise many items. Take a MINT from jar on the counter. Leave
the pawn shop.
Enter the Bookshop again. There is a man sitting in chair by the fire.
Try to talk to him, but he is too worried about Princess Cassima. Mmm,
so he knows Cassima? Show your INSIGNIA RING to the man, and he
realises you are Prince Alexander. He gets quite emotional as he talks
about Cassima. He tells you that he is Jollo, the court clown. He also
tells you about Sing-Sing, Cassima’s pet nightingale. Then he leaves, to
go back to the castle. Phew, you got quite a lot of information there.
But at least you have a friend inside the castle walls. Leave the shop.
Enter the Pawn Shop again. Show your INSIGNIA RING to the shop
owner, and he tells you it’s very valuable. Now give your COPPER COIN
to the shop owner, and he shows you what you can buy for the coin,
with the option of trading it at any time - choose the MECHANICAL
NIGHTINGALE. Leave the shop.
Head up through the archway, look at the house, and look at the
maiden. It’s a lovely house, with lots of roses in the garden. The
maiden is called back inside, before you can talk to her.
Follow path up to the dock, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. A young
man invites you into the water. For a bit of fun, jump into the water.
Uh-oh… the boy tricked you.
After reloading your game, look at boat on the left. Knock on the door,
and talk to the Ferryman - he soon invites you inside. Talk to him
again, and keep talking until he repeats himself. During conversation,
he mentions a Magic Map. That could come in VERY handy. When
conversation is over, take RABBIT’S FOOT from the table. Leave the
Follow path back to town, and enter the Pawn Shop. Talk to the shop
owner, and ask about the MAGIC MAP. Offer your INSIGNIA RING
again, and this time, you get the MAP. Watch cut-scene with the
cloaked man. Leave the shop.
Head up one screen, but then immediately return, and see the Pawn
Shop owner throw some junk into the pot\bin. Search through the
pot\bin, to find some INVISIBLE INK.
Walk down, to the crossroads. Notice there is a nightingale on the very
top-right branch of the tree. This is Sing-Sing, Cassima’s nightingale.
Use the MECHANICAL NIGHTINGALE on her, and she flies down to a
lower branch. Walk down again, to the beach.
Use the MAGIC MAP on yourself, and travel to Isle Of The Sacred
Get FLOWER OF STENCH and get BLACK FEATHER that are lying here.
Don’t attempt to climb the mountain yet - you’re not ready. Use the
MAGIC MAP on yourself, and travel to Isle Of Wonder.
There are some oysters fast asleep in bed (oyster beds - how cute). But
there is one oyster, right at the front, who is still wide awake. Talk to
the oyster, and he tells you he has a sore mouth. When the oyster
yawns, you can see a pearl in his mouth - that’s what’s hurting him.
Maybe you could read to him, to make him feel better. Read your
BORING BOOK to the oyster, and this time when he yawns, grab the
PEARL. Awww, he’s drifted off to sleep now.
If you look in the water, you should see a strange pink thing floating
there. It’s a string of letters. Wait until it comes to shore, if necessary.
Pick it up, to get a SENTENCE.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk up, and meet the 5 gnomes who guard
this island, each with only 1 sense (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste). If
they realise that a man (you) is on their island, they will kill you, so you
have to convince them you’re not really here. The first one has a giant
nose, so use the FLOWER OF STENCH on him, to convince him you are
just a harmless flower. The second one has giant ears, so use the
MECHANICAL NIGHTINGALE to convince him you are a bird. The third
one has a giant tongue, so give him the MINT. The fourth one has a
giant hand, so give him the RABBIT’S FOOT. The last has huge eyes, so
use INVISIBLE INK on yourself. Well done Graham, you fooled the
guards. They won’t bother you again.
Head up to the swamp, and take a MILK BOTTLE from the tree on the
left. Now continue left, so you are in the garden. Look at the tomato
plants, and notice that one of them is rotten - get ROTTEN TOMATO.
Open the yellow gate, and walk up into Chessboard land. Talk to the
Knights. Wait for the Red and White Queens to appear, and listen to
their argument about a lump of coal and a spoiled egg. What a thing to
argue about! They ask Graham to settle the argument for them,
however, you don’t want to get involved. As they leave, Red Queen
drops her scarf - get the RED SCARF. Head down, and make your way
back to the beach.
Walk right, to all the book piles, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Touch
one of the book piles, it doesn’t matter which one. Book Worm will
appear, and tells you off for touching his books. You automatically ask
him about a rare book, but he won’t help you, unless you have one of
the obscure things he asks for. Unfortunately, you don’t have any of
those things yet.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Don’t touch the spider web. There is a bug
which freezes the game. You can still complete the game without
getting the paper scrap from the spider web.
Walk left to the beach again. If you have the SENTENCE from the
water, use MAGIC MAP on yourself, and travel to Isle Of The Beast.
What a pretty island. Notice that thing hanging from the tree branch?
It’s a Dangling Participle. Talk to the little guy a few times, and listen
to his strange way of talking. It seems he is lost, and doesn’t know the
way home. You could offer to help him, but he doesn’t trust you,
because he doesn’t know you. You need to find a way to earn his trust.
Give him the SENTENCE, so he’ll go with you. Well, there’s not many
people who can say they carry around a Dangling Participle, hehe.
Use your MAGIC MAP, and travel back to Isle Of Wonder.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk right, and touch the books, to bring
Book Worm out again. Give him DANGLING PARTICIPLE. Aww, what a
sweet reunion. Book Worm gives you a RARE BOOK. In your inventory,
use RARE BOOK, to discover that it is a riddle book, and it has a page
Go left, back to the beach, and then make your way up to the garden.
Take ICEBERG LETTUCE (ye-gats! It’s cold!). Return to the beach, and
use MAGIC MAP to travel to Isle Of The Beast.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk up one screen, to the boiling pond.
There’s no way you can cross that! At least, not until the water has
cooled. So throw in your ICEBURG LETTUCE (If your lettuce has melted,
simply go back to Isle Of Wonder and get another one). Well, the water
still looks hot, but at least it’s not boiling anymore. Cross the pond,
and get HUNTER’S LAMP which is hanging from the tree.
Go up again, so you are at the walled garden with white roses. The
gardener asks you to come in and look at his garden - DO NOT ENTER
THE GARDEN. Get BRICK that is lying near the wall.
Walk back down to the beach, and use MAGIC MAP to travel to Isle Of
The Crown.
Go up to the crossroads, and take the left-path, back to town.
Enter the Book Shop. Jollo should be here - listen to his suspicions of
how the Vizier plans to take the throne. Yikes! When he leaves, talk to
the shop owner. Give your RARE BOOK to the shop owner, and he gives
you a SPELL BOOK in return. In your inventory, use the SPELL BOOK, to see the spells. Leave the shop.
Look at the poster on the wall. So it’s true! Cassima really is marrying
the Vizier. If only you knew it’s what she really wants.
Enter the Pawn Shop. Watch a cut scene, as the cloaked man argues
with the shop keeper for running out of mint (someone must have a
Give PEARL to the shop owner, and get your INSIGNIA RING back. It’s
lucky the shop owner didn’t sell the ring. Give the MECHANICAL
NIGHTINGALE back to the shop owner, and trade it for the FLUTE.
Leave the shop.
Walk down to the crossroads, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Remember Sing-Sing the nightingale is in the tree. Give your INSIGNIA
RING to the nightingale, and watch the cutscene with Cassima and
Sing-Sing. When the nightingale returns, get RED RIBBON from the
ground, and in the inventory, use hand on the RIBBON to find a
Give LOVE POEM to the nightingale, and watch another cutscene with
Cassima and Sing-Sing. When the nightingale returns, get CASSIMA’S
NOTE from the ground. But his heart sinks when he sees no words of
love. Poor Alexander.
Go down to the beach, and use MAGIC MAP to travel to the Isle Of
Walk up, and head to the garden. Get TEACUP from the red chair.
Look at the little Hole-In-The-Wall - what cute little thing! Try to get
HOLE-IN-THE-WALL, but he hides behind the wallflowers. Use FLUTE
on yourself to play a little ditty, and the flowers will start to dance. As
soon as you are able, while the flowers are still dancing, get HOLE-IN-
THE-WALL. Those strange plants on the left are Babies Tears. Give
MILK BOTTLE to one of the Babies Tears. The other babies start crying,
so use HUNTER’S LAMP to collect the tears.
Walk down to the swamp, and use TEACUP to get some SWAMP OOZE.
Well… TRY to get some SWAMP OOZE. Stick-In-The-Mud will stop you.
Talk to Stick-In-The-Mud and Bump-On-The-Log to learn of their feud.
Give ROTTEN TOMATO to Bump-On-The-Log, and watch the mud fight
that ensues. Use TEACUP on Bump-On-The-Log to finally get some
Go down to the beach, and use MAGIC MAP to travel to Isle Of The
Walk up to the crossroads, and take the left path into town. Enter the
Pawn Shop. Give FLUTE to shop owner, and trade it for the
TINDERBOX. Leave the shop.
Go down to the beach, and use MAGIC MAP to travel to Isle Of The
Sacred Mountain.
It’s time to take on that mountain now. More details about the Logic
Cliffs can be found in your game manual.
1. Look at inscription in the rocks, try to find the correct word from the
clue. Click on the letters to spell that word.
The word is: RISE
2. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Climb up the steep stone steps, being
careful not to fall. Look at the next inscription in the rocks.
Please refer to your game manual to match the correct symbols and
The word is: SOAR
3. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Climb up the steep stone steps to the
next inscription. Look at inscription.
Press 4, 1, 2
4. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Climb up the steep stone steps to the
next inscription. Look at inscription.
Please refer to your game manual to match the correct symbols and
The correct letters to press are: D, O, Q, G
5. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Climb up the steep stone steps to the
next inscription. Look at inscription.
The word is: ASCEND
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Climb up the steep stone steps to the top.
Phew, that was quite a climb.
Ignore the old woman’s offer to eat the berries. Wait until she leaves,
then look at the small opening on the right, and enter the small
opening. You find yourself in a dark cave. Use your TINDERBOX in the
cave, to light your way. Continue right, and crawl through the small
opening on the right. Continue right again, and head for the light.
There is a peppermint plant in window of the cave - Get PEPPERMINT
LEAVES. Now make your way back left, and leave the cave.
Make sure you have HOLE-IN-THE-WALL and BRICK, TINDERBOX and
RED SCARF in your inventory, before proceeding.
Walk up, and you get taken to meet Lord Azure & Lady Aeriel of the
Winged Ones. The Winged Ones are in dilemma - the Vizier has
commanded that they ‘dispose’ of any intruders. But there is a
prophecy that predicts whomever climbs up the Cliffs Of Logic will
defeat the minotaur. So whom should they obey - the Oracle or the
Crown? The decide to send you The Catacombs instead. There is a
minotaur in the Catacombs, that demands a sacrifice every so often,
and they are convinced the Minotaur will destroy you, thus saving
them from deciding what to do with you.
Go Up twice
Go Right twice
Go Up once
Go Down once
Go Left twice
Go Up once
Go Left once
This is a puzzle room. Step on the following tiles.
- Rose on square above Alexander
- Rose, diagonal down & left
- Rose, diagonal down & left
- Scythe on tile above Alexander
- Crown on tile above Alexander
- Dove on tile diagonal up & left
- Skull & crossbones on tile diagonal down & left
- Blank tile right below Alexander
- Exit room to the left
Go Up once
Go Up 3 times
Go Left twice.
Get GOLD COINS from skeleton
Go Right twice
Go Right once - quickly throw BRICK into gear works
Go Right twice
Go Up once
Go Right once - you fall down to Lower Level
Use TINDERBOX to light room - SAVE GAME HERE
Go Left 5 times
Go Down twice
Go Right once - use HOLE-IN-WALL on far-right wall
Look through HOLE-IN-THE-WALL
Go Left 3 times
Go Down twice
Go Right once
Go Down once
Go Right twice
Go Up once
Go Right once
Go Up twice
Move tapestry - SAVE YOUR GAME HERE
Go Right once
Talk to Minotaur
As soon as you are able, show RED SCARF to Minotaur
Watch cut scene
You’ve beaten the Catacombs - congratulations.
Watch the long cut scene with the Oracle. She gives you VIAL OF
Use MAGIC MAP, and travel to the Isle Of Mists.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk left, and take LUMP OF COAL from the
fire pit. Take SCYTHE that is hanging on the wall of the house. That is
all you can do here for now, so head back down to the beach (don‘t go
right, or you‘ll run into the Druids, and they will kill you), and use
MAGIC MAP to travel to Isle Of The Beast.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk up twice, to the walled garden. Notice
that archer statue has his arrow aimed directly at you. You need to
protect yourself from him, so use your SHIELD on him. He shoots you,
but the SHIELD protects you. PHEW!
Walk up to the white roses, and get WHITE ROSE. Try to step into the
gazebo, but the hedge will block your way. Use SCYTHE on the hedge,
to cut it down, and then walk into the gazebo.
You’ve made it into the Beast’s private garden - his sanctuary… his
prison! Watch the cut scene, as Beast tells Graham he is now cursed,
and only has a few hours left as a man. To break the curse, Graham
must find a maiden that will willingly accept Beast. And you know just
the person! Remember the maiden from the house will all the roses in
the garden?
Make your way back down to the beach, and use MAGIC MAP to travel
to isle Of The Crown.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk up to the crossroads and take the left
path. Make your way up to the garden - Beauty should be here. Give
WHITE ROSE to Beauty, and then give BEAST’S RING to Beauty.
Watch the cut scene as Beauty and Graham return to Isle Of The Beast.
After Beast’s curse is broken, he gives you his MIRROR that reveals the
truth for whoever looks into it. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. In your
inventory, use your ORACLE’S SACRED WATER VIAL with your
HUNTER’S LAMP, and then use HUNTER’S LAMP on the fountain.
You’ve now prepared the Make Rain spell.
Walk down one screen, and take another WHITE ROSE from the hedge.
Make your way down to the beach, and use MAGIC MAP to travel to Isle
Of Wonder.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk up twice to the garden, and get DRINK
ME BOTTLE from the table.
Open the gate, and enter ChessBoard Land. Remember before, Red
Queen and White Queen were arguing over a piece of COAL. Wait for
them to appear again, and give them your LUMP OF COAL, so they each
have a piece of coal. They give you a SPOILED EGG as a reward (gee,
thanks!). Of course, they start arguing about who should get which
piece of coal!
Return to the beach, and use MAGIC MAP to travel to Isle Of The Crown.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk up to crossroads, and look at
Sing-Sing, the nightingale. Give WHITE ROSE to the nightingale, and
watch the short cut scene. Cassima longs to see Alexander, but
doesn’t want to put him in danger. Meanwhile, Alexander can’t help
wonder if Cassima just doesn’t want his attention.
Take the left path, and enter the Pawn Shop. The mysterious cloaked
man is here again. Use DRINK ME BOTTLE on yourself. Your heart
slows down… and stops beating… Alexander is dead!
The cloaked man gleefully dances out of the shop.
Alexander comes back to life - the DRINK ME BOTTLE was just a bit of
trickery to fool the cloaked man. Leave the shop.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Use MAGIC BOOK on yourself, and Cast the
Make Rain spell. Make your way back to the beach, and use MAGIC
MAP to travel to Isle Of The Mists.
You are greeted by 2 druids, who take you to the Arch Druid. Watch the
cut scene as you are taken captive, put in the wooden cage, and then
are released, thanks to the Rain spell. Watch the cut scene - the druids
are now your friends. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Use the SKULL in the embers. Use SPOILED EGG in the SKULL. Use
BLACK HAIR in the SKULL (if you don’t have the black hair, open your
inventory, and use hand icon on the red ribbon). You’ve prepared the
Charm Creature Of The Night spell.
Return to the beach, and use MAGIC MAP to travel to Isle Of The
Sacred Mountain.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Climb up the big stone steps, all the way to
the top. Don’t worry, you don’t have to solve all the riddles again.
Nightmare, the black horse, is here. Use SPELL BOOK on yourself, and
cast Charm A Creature Of The Night spell. Graham enchants
Nightmare, and the travels to The Realm Of The Dead.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Avoid contact with the ghosts.
Notice there are 2 spirits here. Talk to them - they’re Cassima’s
parents! They’re bitter about their murders going unpunished, and
they worry about their daughter. If only you could help them somehow.
Cassima’s mother gives you her TICKET TO THE UNDERWORLD. SAVE
Walk right, and talk to the mother spirit. Her son is missing, and she
can’t find him. She give you her HANKERCHIEF, and asks you to find
Go up once screen, Get BONES over on the right, and watch the
skeletons dance (brilliant stuff!). One of the skeletons will drop his
KEY - as soon as you are able, get SKELETON KEY. Now give your
TICKET TO THE UNDERWORLD to the skeleton in red, and he ushers
you on to the next screen.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You’re on a precarious path now. Walk
along path until you reach the skeleton. Look at the skeleton to get a
close-up, and get the GUANTLET. Navigate the path up to the River
Use TEACUP on the river. You have prepared the Magic Paint spell.
Talk to Charon (the Ferryman) and give him the GOLD COINS. He takes
you across the river.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You are now on another path. Walk up the
path and open the gate… uh-oh… the gate is alive. Talk to the gate.
The gate asks a riddle - the answer is LOVE. You walk through the gate.
Approach the Lord Of The Dead - DO NOT KISS HIS HAND. Talk to him,
and use your GUANTLET on him to challenge him. Death accepts your
challenge - and he tasks you with making him cry. He has seen all pain
and torment imaginable, so this won’t be easy. Or is it? Show your
MIRROR to him. Seeing the truth about his horrendous life is too much
for him, and he sheds a tear.
You have passed his challenge, and won back the souls of the King &
Queen. Nightmare, the horse, takes you back to Isle Of The Crown.
Walk up to the crossroads, and take the left path. SAVE YOUR GAME
HERE. The lamp merchant is still here - give him your HUNTER’S
LAMP, The merchant allows you to choose a lamp from his pole, so get
the 5th lamp (blue, fancy).
Enter the Pawn Shop. Give TINDER BOX to the shop owner, and trade
for the PAINT BRUSH. Leave the shop.
Head down to the crossroads, then take the right path, up to the
castle. Go left, to the side of the castle. Use your FEATHER in the
TEACUP to stir it. Use PAINTBRUSH to paint the mixture on to the
castle wall, then cast the Magic Paint spell. A door appears on the
wall, so open it, and enter the castle.
As you step into the castle, the magic door disappears behind you.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Now listen out for guards, as you explore
the castle.
There are 3 doors on the right - enter the middle one. A young ghost
boy is here, calling out for his mum. This must be the child of the
ghost woman you met in Realm Of The Dead. Give him the
HANDKERCHIEF. He tells you about a secret door hidden behind ‘the
metal man‘, before floating off to join his mum. Leave the room.
Take upper-right path. There’s a suit of armour here. Look at the
armour, touch it’s right arm. Ah-ha! A secret passage! You
automatically enter.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Look through the hole in the wall, and
watch the cut scene as Captain Saladin and a couple of guard dogs
discuss the Abdul. Sounds like they don’t like him very much.
Climb up the stairs, look through hole in the wall, and watch the
conversation with Cassima. Give her your DAGGER as a weapon to
protect herself.
Walk left, and follow the path until you reach another hole in the wall.
Look at hole in the wall. Watch the cut scene. It’s pretty obvious now
that he killed Cassima’s parents, and he also plans to kill Cassima
herself. There must be a way to stop his evil plans.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Continue up to the next screen. Look
carefully at wall on the left, and notice a faint outline on the top panel.
Try to push open the wall, and you find yourself in Abdul’s room. Use
SKELETON KEY to unlock chest at the end of the bed. Look in chest
and get the LETTER, This is evidence of Abdul’s treachery. Open the
ebony box on the small round table, and look at the piece of paper - it
says ‘Zebu’ on it. I wonder what that means.
Now you know Abdul’s true intentions, you need to put a stop to him.
Open cupboard on the left, and enter it to get back to the secret
Follow the path down, and then climb down the stairs to the Ground
Floor. Move the door slab at bottom of the screen, and leave the
secret entrance, so you are back in the castle.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk right one screen, and enter that door
on the right. This is Jollo’s bedroom. Watch the cut scene. Give the
blue LAMP to Jollo. Leave the room.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Take lower-left path, so you are in the next
hallway. Look at that door on the left. Try to open the door, but you
can’t. So talk to the door. You have to spell out the password, which
is ALIZEBU (ZEBU was in the ebony box in Abdul’s room. ALI was on
the spider web back in Isle Of Wonders, but you couldn’t get to it,
because of the freezing bug). Enter the room.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Wow, what IS this room? Look at the velvet
drape on the table - it has the initials ‘AA’ proving that the drape is his.
Now pull the drape off the table. Look at all 4 items on the table -
wow, these are the sacred treasures from each of the 4 islands. Each
island had their treasure stolen, and they thought another island was
behind it. But now we know… Abdul orchestrated the whole thing.
Leave the room.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You hear music - it’s wedding music. Oh no,
you don’t have much time left.
Take the lower-right path to next screen, then head up the stairs.
Open door at top of the stairs, to find yourself in the Grand Hall. Now
try to open the double-doors, but Captain Saladin will stop you. Show
the Vizier’s LETTER to Saladin. Saladin takes you into the Wedding
Hall, where Cassima is in the midst of marrying Abdul. But… how can
that be?
Talk to Cassima… something’s definitely not right here. Suddenly,
Cassima turns into the Genie, and Abdul runs off. Follow Abdul
through the door, up the stairs, and into the tower. Cassima… the
REAL Cassima is tied up on the floor here. Jollo appears, and gives you
Genie’s bottle. The Genie appears again - use the GENIE BOTTLE on
him, to declare that you are now the Genie’s master.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. When you’re able, get SWORD on the wall,
and attempt to fight Abdul. Strike Abdul with the sword. While you
are fighting Abdul, Cassima manages to cut her bonds with the
DAGGER you gave her earlier. When Abdul turns his attention to
Cassima, strike him again to knock him out.
Now sit back, and watch the cinematic ending.
Congratulations Alexander, you have saved the Land Of The Green Isles.