This walkthrough was written by Frodo
for The Daventry Chronicles
You begin your adventures in the land of Daventry. The story is, a
cursed Mask has been split into 5 pieces, and turned everyone in
Daventry (except for Connor) into stone.
You are Connor. You have to find all pieces of the Mask Of Eternity,
and save the entire kingdom. You have one piece of the Mask already,
so there is still four pieces to find. Good luck! You’re going to need it!
As the game begins, you are outside your beloved Sarah’s house. Click
on Sarah (now turned to stone), and then click on the crow perched on
Sarah - it flies away. Now before you go chasing the crow, you might
as well search Sarah’s house, since you are here. So turn around, walk
forward, and click on the door to open it.
Inside the house, click on Widow Burke (turned to stone). Get SHIELD
POTION from shelf at back of the house. Get HEALTH MUSHROOM on
table on the right. That’s all you can do here, so leave the house.
Follow path left \ down. Ignore church & graveyard on the left for now -
you’re not ready to deal with all those zombies yet. Continue along the
path until you hear a voice calling ‘Come closer, lad’. Walk down onto
the grass, and click on the wizard (who is only half-turned to stone).
The wizard tells you more about what has been happening here, as
well as about the Mask Of Eternity. He informs you that it’s up to you
to find all the missing pieces of the Mask. He also gives you a MAGIC
MAP to aid your travels. You can access it by clicking on it at lower-
right corner - I recommend you keep it active, so you can keep track of
your progress better.
Now there are a lot of monsters in this game, and you’re going to need
a weapon. There’s a weapon in your house, so let’s go there now.
As you are facing the wizard, turn around and walk back to the path
you just came from. There is a house ahead of you, slightly to the left.
Enter this house, and click on Goodwife Simms (turned to stone). Now
search the house, and take LEATHER BOOTS from next to the bed.
Take MUSHROOMS from basket on the table. Take COINS from the
shelf. Open chest on the shelf, and take more COINS. That’s all you
can do here, so leave the house.
Outside the house, turn left and return to the path. You should be
facing the church & graveyard. Follow the path left, until you find
yourself back at Sarah’s house. Follow the path round, until you see a
house with chickens running around. This is your house. Pick up
HEALING MUSHROOMS from in front of the house. Enter the house,
and search it to find some COINS in a pot on some shelves. Take
DAGGER that’s stuck in the big table. When you’re ready, leave the
Outside your house, there are 2 Bulls eye boards. Use your DAGGER to
stab both of them, and gain more experience points.
Return to path next to your house, and follow path up (so your house
is on the left). The path will snake left, so follow it until you reach a
fountain. You can drink from the fountain as much as you like to
replenish your health. Now turn left, and head down a little bit, so you
see a mill on the right.
Enter the mill, and have a look around. There is a rope & hook high up
on the wall. You can’t get it yet, so just leave the mill. Look out for the
monster, kill it, and pick up the goodies left behind.
Continue down the path (away from the fountain), until you see a sort
of barn\building\structure. Enter this, and click on 3 baskets to get
some HEALING MUSHROOMS. Now leave this barn, and continue
down, until you see the church & graveyard in front of you.
Now you have your DAGGER to deal with monsters. But you’re also
going to need a long-range weapon to fight monsters from a distance.
Let’s go and find one.
There is a cliff to the left of the church. Look for the slightly grassy hill
in front of the cliff, and take a running jump (Ins) to jump onto the cliff.
It might take a bit of practice to find the right spot, but you’ll get
there. While on the cliff, walk towards the church, until Connor comments ‘Tis a long jump, but I can make it.’ SAVE YOUR GAME
HERE. Now take a running jump (Ins), and jump onto the roof of the
mausoleum. If you miss the roof, simply restore your game, and try
On the mausoleum roof, walk to the far end, until you can see the
monster below you. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Now step off the roof -
you automatically kill the monster. Pick up CROSSBOW next to the
door. Now arm your DAGGER, and kill any zombies that are nearby,
remembering to collect any goodies they leave behind - or just run
straight for the exit. When you’re ready, leave the graveyard & church.
Check the map, and ‘fill in’ that whole section of water at bottom left.
There’s nothing interesting here, but it’s still good to have that
section ‘filled in’. Kill any monsters you come across, and pick up any
goodies they drop.
Follow the water up the left-side of the map, until you reach the
bridge. Kill the monster guarding the bridge, and take MUSHROOMS
and COINS he leaves behind.
Ignore that path on the left for now - you’re not strong enough to deal
with the monsters in there yet. Instead, continue up the mountain
path until you see the Daventry sign post on the right. SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE. Take path on the right, and follow it - but beware of the
group of monsters. You should be able to kill them with your
CROSSBOW. When you have defeated the monsters, remember to
Continue along the path, until you see a building in front of you. Arm
your CROSSBOW, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Follow path a little bit
right, so you find the front of the building. There is a monster guarding
entrance to the building - shoot it with your CROSSBOW. Watch
cutscene as Ghost Knight greets you, and tells you to find Dimension
Of Death. When cutscene is over, turn around and cross the bridge to
the castle keep. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Arm your DAGGER or
CROSSBOW, and enter the castle keep, and kill the 2 monsters inside.
Now find 2 small rooms, and pull all 3 chains (2 chains in one room,
one chain in the other room) to disable the booby traps, ready for later.
When you’re ready, leave the castle keep.
Cross the bridge again, turn right, and go forward, past Sir Knight,
until you see a sad creature sitting next to a pond. The pond is toxic,
so don’t enter it! Talk to the creature to learn her sad tale. She‘s really
a unicorn, but her horn was stolen by an evil witch. If you can find her
horn and return it to her, she’ll be restored back to her unicorn form.
Talk to her again, and she’ll tell you about a hidden entrance to castle
Daventry, which is hidden behind the waterfall.
When conversation is over, head all the way left, then down to the bridge.
There is a path heading left from the bridge - take it, and follow it to
the windmill. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Open door, and IMMEDIATELY
arm your DAGGER, and kill the monster inside. Now look around, and
see an AXE in the ceiling (how on earth did it get up there?), which you
will need this AXE later on. There’s also a bale of hay in middle of the
floor. Make sure you are not armed, then position bale of hay under
the AXE - simply walk into the hay to move it. Jump (Ins) onto the bale
of hay, then click on AXE to take it. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE! Now
leave the windmill. As you do so, you’re attacked by the Black Knight,
who wants your piece of MASK OF ETERNITY, so you’ll have to fight
him for it.
*** NOTE: I found this to be a problem area. The game frequently
freezes and crashes just as you are about to fight Black Knight. I
found that changing graphics settings (turning off shadows, etc) in the
Main Menu solved the problem. Alternatively, you may find some help
HERE ***
After you’ve dealt with Black Knight, follow path away from the
windmill, and up to Mr Kavanagh’s house. Click on Mr Kavanagh
(turned to stone), then enter his house. Click on basket on the left to
get some HEALING MUSHROOMS. Click on wooden horse on the back
wall, to realise that a child lived here. Click on woman (turned to
stone). Click on table to see a child’s drawing. When you’re ready,
leave the house.
Now remember that ROPE & HOOK in the mill that you couldn’t get to
before, because the mill wheel was turning. You’re better equipped to
deal with it now. So make your way back to the bridge, and cross the
bridge. Now go down to the mill. As you’re facing the mill, go to the
right side of it, and see the tall tree. Use AXE to chop down the tree.
This will stop the water wheel from turning. Now enter the mill, and
jump up (Ins) onto the wheel-workings on the right, then jump up onto
high platform on the left. Click on ROPE & HOOK to take it. Now leave
the mill.
Now it’s time to tackle that waterfall Sir Knight told us out - the one
that hides the entrance to Castle Daventry. Outside the mill, turn left,
and follow river up, until you reach the waterfall at top-left of the map.
Go to the left side of the waterfall, and your ROPE & HOOK will flash.
Click ROPE & HOOK on the wall to use it, then climb up to top of the
wall. There is a table with some blocks here. Push blocks (just walk
into them) down into the waterfall to create an opening in the water-
fall. Now use ROPE & HOOK to climb back down again. Enter through
the newly-created opening, to get into the castle.
Follow corridor to the end. Uh-oh… it’s a dead-end. Or is it? Pull that
candle on the right, and it will open the door for you. Walk forward
into the room, navigate round the table, and touch portraits of King
Graham & Queen Valanice. Notice how King Graham’s portrait is
slightly off-centre. Push portrait by walking into it, then take BRASS
KEY that is revealed.
Step backwards, away from the portraits, and walk into corridor on
the left. Take TORCH ASHES from the ground. Follow corridor through
to the next room, and touch King Graham (turned to stone) standing
on front of the mirror. Wait until the mirror starts swirling, then click
on it to see the cutscene. The man in the mirror - could he be behind
all this vile business.
Walk across to other side of the room, and touch the 2 stone guards.
When you’re ready, leave the room, and leave the castle.
Back outside the castle, turn left, and make your way to the mountain
path. Go up a little bit, until you see the Daventry sign post, then turn
right, and follow path to Sir Knight’s building. You should already have
killed the monster here, so you have nothing to worry about. The door
behind Sir Knight is bolted shut, but that’s no problem for a hero like
you. Use AXE to break the door down, then enter the tomb. Make sure
are unarmed, then walk into the sarcophagus to open it. Take HERO’S
RING. When you are ready, leave the tomb.
Outside the tomb, cross bridge ahead & right, and enter the castle
keep. Arm your AXE, walk right a little bit, and climb up the ramp. Kill
both monsters, and take all their goodies afterwards. Now go up ramp
to the top level, and kill this monster, as well. After the monsters are
dead, and you’ve picked up everything you can, go back down to the
Ground Level. Find and enter room where you found 2 hanging chains
earlier. Follow corridor round, until you reach the door. If you hadn’t
pulled those chains earlier to disarm the booby traps, you would have
arrows flying at you! Click on the door to discover that it’s locked. Use
BRONZE KEY from your top Inventory Bar (move your mouse up there)
to unlock the door, then enter the room. Now there’s a portal here,
but don’t use it yet. Just remember it’s here. Leave the castle keep.
Turn left, and return to Daventry signpost. Then turn left again, and
head down until you see tavern on the left. Enter tavern, and pick up
any COINS, HEALING MUSHROOMS etc, that you find. For a bit of fun,
drink beer on the table. When you’re ready, leave the tavern.
Follow path along, past the fountain, until you reach the Alchemist’s
House. The house is boarded up, so use your AXE to break through it,
then click on the door, and enter. Now take SCROLL. Take
SHIELDING POTIONS, and take ELIXER OF LIFE. Leave the house.
We need to go back to church now. Head down to bottom of the map,
then go left to the church. Find the door that is blocked - your ROPE &
HOOK will flash. Use ROPE & HOOK to climb the wall. Upstairs, go
over to the window, and use your ROPE & HOOK to climb down. Take
SACRED FLAME (candle) from the table. Put some of your COINS
in the Collection Box on the opposite wall. Walk through to the next
room, and push URN towards the window. Remember what Sir
Knight said - the urn will show you the way. Through the window, you
see a portal opening up over in the mausoleum.
Make your way back to front of the church, using your ROPE & HOOK
to climb walls. Find your way back to the graveyard, and then enter
mausoleum. Enter portal, and watch the cutscene. Your weapon is
useless against this monster. Well, there is nothing else you can do
here for the moment, so leave the mausoleum.
Leave the graveyard, and make your way back down to the stone
wizard near the water. Click on him, and give him SACRED FLAME,
HERO’S RING, and TORCH ASHES (move your mouse up to the top, to
see your Inventory bar). He enchants the HERO’S RING, so it becomes
Walk into the water behind the wizard, and go to the small island at
bottom left of map. This is the wizard’s house. You’ve probably
already been here before, but couldn’t really do anything. Now, you
can. Walk round the base until ROPE & HOOK flashes, then use
ROPE & HOOK to climb up the wall. Click on the door and enter the
house. Take INVISIBLE POTION from under the table on the left. Click
on the wizard’s magical book - one page is blank. Click on magical quill
next to the book, and it automatically fills in that missing page. Click
on the book again to read it, and automatically take INSCRIBED
PARCHMENT. In opposite corner of the room is a celestial globe .
Click on the globe, then use INSCRIBED PARCHMENT and on the globe.
A POTION OF REVEAL will be created, so take it. Drink POTION OF
REVEAL, then open chest that you now see on the ground. Take
SILVER BELL from the chest, then leave the house. Use ROPE &
HOOK to climb back down the wall. Next to this wall, you see an ’Odd
Structure’ that looks like a frame. Use SILVER BELL on the structure,
then use AXE on the BELL 3 times to strike it. The Lady Of The Lake
appears - click on her to get a new sword. Now leave this strange little
island, and make your way back to mausoleum in the church. If you get
lost, look at your map for reference.
In the mausoleum, enter portal again. This time, thanks to your RING
OF ILLUMINATION, you defeat the monster.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You’ve reached the Dimension Of Death
now. Scary stuff!
Turn around, and look at symbols above the portal you just entered,
and take note of them. You’re going to need them later.
Arm your SWORD. Now facing away from the portal, go forward, and
kill 4 skeletons. Take all the goodies left behind. Now this is a big
room, so search it carefully. At top left of the room, you’ll fine some
crates. Break them open with your SWORD. Be ready to kill the
skeletons that were hidden inside. Make sure you pick BROKEN
PIECE OF IRON SHIELD from the fallen warrior. Click on the stone idol
(Azriel) in this area, and take spinning LEVER OF LIFE that is next to
him. Now ‘fill in’ the rest of the room on the map. There are 2 square
stone pedestals (bottom left, and bottom right of the room), so click
on them to read inscriptions.
Return to entrance of the room, but don’t go through the portal.
Notice there is a flame on a pedestal on each side of the entrance -
click on one of the pedestals to see a curious slot in the pedestal.
Insert LEVER OF LIFE into the pedestal, then walk into it to turn it.
You automatically retrieve LEVER OF LIFE, and the flame will go out.
Find the other 3 pedestals, and repeat the process. Once all 4
pedestals are dealt with, the huge doors in centre of the room will
open. Walk through the doors to enter the Sanctum of Lord Azriel.
You’re now in an area with lots of floating stones. SAVE YOUR GAME
HERE. Now remember those symbols you saw above the portal where
you entered - I hope you took a note of them. Jump on the symbols in
the correct order according to the portal symbols. If you’ve done it
right, you’ll come face-to-face with Lord Azriel himself. He gives you a
KEY, then sends you back to that big room. Head up to top of the
Arm your CROSSBOW, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Now use KEY in
the gate - be ready to kill 3 more skeletons. Head through the gate,
and follow path left. Break all crates for experience points, and pick up
the goodies. There are a couple of skeletons on high platforms, so just
kill them with your CROSSBOW.
Continue along path, until you see 5 vases on a platform - break them
with your CROSSBOW. There is a switch here, so make sure you pull
it - it disarms a flaming arrow trap. Follow path round, jumping over
the lava pool, until you see 5 more vases on a platform. Again, break
them, and take the goodies.
Proceed forward slightly, and kill skeleton coming towards you. Take
COINS that he drops, but not the sword, since it‘s not as good as your
current sword. There is a blue door here, but you don’t have the key
for it yet.
Continue left, and kill a skeleton and zombie. Destroy the 4 vases,
and take the goodies. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Find & kill 3
skeletons that are shooting at you, and take all the goodies they drop.
Continue along this lower-left wall, until you here a child weeping. Kill
the group of zombies. Also, look for 4 giant metal crates in this area -
there is a Healing Fountain in the middle of these crates, and you can
drink from the fountain as much as you like to restore your health.
Now push each of the metal crates off their pressure plates. Pick up
ROCK (shown on map) near the top-left metal crate. When all 4
pressure plates are released, the Sylph Of Ultimate Beauty appears,
next to the Healing Fountain. Talk to her twice, and she tells you
about a Protective Spell, but she needs RUST and MOULD to
complete it.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Follow left path up, and kill another 3
skeleton archers. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Start walking right, but
beware, there is a powerful ghost here that tries to suck your life
energy - kill him with your CROSSBOW.
Continue up this left-path, towards top of the map, until you see a
stone pedestal - click on it to read the inscription. You should be at
top of the map now, but DON’T go into the black water, or you’ll die.
Use BROKEN PIECE OF IRON SHIELD in the black water, to make it
rusty. Rust is one of the ingredients you need for Sylph Of Ultimate
Beauty. Find the Boatman in this top-left area, and talk to him several
times, until he has no new information.
Follow path right (so you are between the black water, and a lava pit),
kill all skeletons and zombies. Now head down slightly, and kill more
skeletons. Head back towards left of the map, and find the path
ascending up, a little bit below the lava pit. Your HOOK AND ROPE
should flash here, so use it to climb up the wall. Walk round this
structure, until your HOOK AND ROPE flash again. Use it to climb up
to the next level. Walk round, until you find some HEALING
CRYSTALS and a REVEALING POTION, and take them all. Now climb
back down to Ground Level.
Work your way right, and when you reach the locked gate, SAVE
YOUR GAME HERE. Arm your CROSSBOW, continue right, and kill the
skeletons. Beware of those 2 skeleton archers on the high platform.
Inch up again, and kill another 3 skeletons. Follow edge of the black
water right, so you are between black water and another lava pit,
killing any zombies you come across, and taking all goodies. Read
inscription on the pedestal. Follow path down, killing another
skeleton. Now head to left of map again, killing all skeletons - watch
out for the 2 skeleton archers on the high platform.
Now you reach a dead end, so you have to back-track a bit. SAVE
YOUR GAME HERE. Follow path down and left, until you reach the
fire-bolt trap. Continue left, jumping over the fire pools. Now there is
another powerful ghost here that wants to drain your life energy, so
kill him quickly with your CROSSBOW.
Weave right again, and kill skeleton archer on the high platform. There
is a switch here, so pull it to disarm the fire-bolt trap. Now follow the
paths to ‘fill in’ this area. Make sure you pick up the ROCK (shown on
map) in this area. About half-way down, you should find a path leading
you round in a square, until your HOOK AND ROPE flash. SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE. Use your HOOK AND ROPE to climb the wall. There is a
skeleton at top of this structure, but you can’t beat him by strength
alone. You need to force him off the structure, so he falls to his death
(how exactly can a skeleton fall to it’s death?). Attack the skeleton,
and when he takes a step back, you take a step forward, gradually
pushing him towards the edge. Keep doing this, until he falls. Now
climb back down, and pick up CHAINMAIL ARMOUR the skeleton left
Make your way back to the right edge of the map, and SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE. Slowly proceed down - there is a large group of
skeletons waiting for you, and you have to kill them all. Give yourself a
pat on the back when you’ve succeeded, and pick up all the goodies.
Continue down this wall, until you see a small chest in the corner.
Open chest, and pick up SQUARE GOLDEN KEY. Continue down, and
break the 2 crates. You’re back at the start now, but you still have a
large area in centre of the map to explore.
Make your way to bottom of the map again. When you see a path
near the blue door, going up, take it, jumping over the fire pools. There
is a badly injured man here. Talk to him, and he tells you about his
sister and about the Hammer Of Azriel… then he dies from his injuries
Keep following the path round, and pick up another ROCK (shown on
map). You should have 3 now. Follow path round, and kill another
power ghost who wants to drain your life energy. Now turn right,
towards the unexplored central area, killing skeletons along the way (I
know, it’s getting tedious!). A bit right of centre, you’ll find a Teleport
portal, like the one in Daventry. This allows you to teleport between
dimensions, but don’t use it yet. Continue exploring this area for now.
Near top-middle of the map, you’ll find a path with an iron gate on
each side, and a skeleton behind each gate - kill both skeletons with
your CROSSBOW. There’s also a pedestal here, to click on it to read
inscription. There is an area at top right of the map with lots of pots.
Break them all, and take the goodies. There is another iron gate near
top right of the map, with another pedestal you have to read.
Now most of the monsters are dead, so you can concentrate on things
you may have missed earlier.
Go back down to lower-left area, where you heard the child weeping.
You’ll see a huge crate blacking your path. Take a running jump, and
jump over it. Break all crates, and take all goodies. Now remember the
child you heard weeping earlier? She’s here. Talk to her, and she’ll tell
you she followed her brother here (you may have met him already - the
badly injured man who died). She also tells you that she is imprisoned
here. It’s up to you to help her escape, so she can return to Daventry.
From this side, simply push the metal box forward, allowing the girl to
In the bottom-left corner, you should see 2 square sections on your
map. Search them, and click on the pedestal to read inscription.
In bottom-middle of the map, find the blue door again. Use SQUARE
GOLD KEY (top inventory bar) to unlock the door, and enter the room
to find a skeleton training room. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. From the
entrance, start shooting the skeletons with your CROSSBOW. Doing
this from the entrance allows you to back-up when you need to, and
just take on a few at a time, rather than them all ganging up on you.
When the room is cleared, pick up all the goodies. Also, search the
area carefully - one of the skeletons dropped a CIRCULAR GOLDEN
KEY that you need to pick up.
Hopefully, you have 3 ROCKS by now. Start heading up, and aim for
the very centre of the map. There is a path that will lead you round in a
square - follow it until you reach the open area with 4 pressure plates.
Search this area, killing all the zombies. Now your ROPE AND HOOK
will flash at the structure in the centre, so climb up the wall. Click
pedestal at top of the structure to read it. Cross the bridge to an area
with 2 archways. Pick up the last ROCK (shown on map) next to the
archway on the right. Return the way you came, and climb back down
the tower.
Now I know the ROCKS are particularly hard to find, so I marked them
(along with other areas of interest) on the map.
At bottom of the tower, there are 4 pressure plates. And you
(hopefully) have 4 ROCKS. Place a ROCK on each of the pressure plate.
If you check your map, the 4 portals in the Healing Fountain area will
be lit up now. So return to the Fountain area to investigate.
At the Healing Fountain area, you will see the 4 portals swirling, with
the portal’s name displayed above it. I recommend completing them in
this order, to save yourself some backtracking.
Hall Of Respite
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Enter Hall Of Respite, and immediately kill
the skeleton archer across the water. Click on pedestal to read it.
Jump onto fallen pillar, then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Jump onto
upright pillar, and then take a running jump onto the far shore. If you’re
lucky, you’ll make it. Click on statue, and take SHIELD POTION. SAVE
YOUR GAME HERE. Note all the skulls on the shelves here. There
have been clues about these skulls, but they were hard to decipher. To
save you much head-scratching, I’ll tell you - look at shelves on the left,
3rd (bottom) row, and 7th skull along. Take this SKULL. Now, how are
you going to get back across the water? Look at the pillars, and notice
that one of them has a crack. Walk into cracked pillar to push it into
the water, creating a bridge. Jump onto the pillar, take a running jump,
and jump back to the other side. Go back through the portal, back to
the Healing Fountain. Drink from the Fountain to restore your health.
Hall Of War
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Enter Hall Of War, and immediately kill 2
skeleton archers. Cross the bridge, carefully using the metal edge to
get past the first gap. When the metal edge stops, take a running
jump to cross rest of the bridge. Take POTION OF STRENGTH. Click
on the headless statue, and use SKULL (top inventory bar) on the
statue. Now pick up FEATHER OF TRUTH, and SAVE YOUR GAME
HERE. Carefully cross the bridge again, then return through the portal.
Drink from Healing Fountain to restore your health.
Hall Of Justice
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Enter Hall Of Justice, and click on pedestal
to read it. Take INVISIBLE POTION. Now look at Giant Scales Of
Justice. Place FEATHER OF TRUTH on the left pan, and then walk
towards the right pan, to automatically jump on. You hear a heartbeat,
then Lord Azriel pops in. Step off the scales, and return through the
Hall Of Immortality
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Enter through portal, and take REVEAL
POTION. Click on the SACRED HEART to see that it is beating. Click
on pedestal to read it. Now return through the portal.
You have now completed all 4 portals. Return to area at centre of the
map, with the 4 pressure plates, and retrieve your 4 ROCKS. You’re
going to need these ROCKS later on.
Make your way to top-right of the map. Start heading down, and take
first path to the left of map. Follow path to the end. Connor makes a
comment about the foul smell. Previously, this was a dead end. But
since you healed the heart, the area is now accessible. Take all the
MUSHROOMS, and take the MOULD.
Make your way back to the Healing Fountain. Give RUSTY IRON
SHIELD to Sylph, and give GREEN MOULD to Sylph. She now
enchants you with a Protective Spell. Drink from the Healing
Fountain to restore your health.
Head up towards the top-left area, and look for a door with a circular
keyhole. Use CIRCULAR GOLDEN KEY in the door, and SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE. Arm your CROSSBOW, and enter the room. Kill skeleton
archer with your CROSSBOW. Destroy crates, and kill more skeleton
archers. Go to wall on the right, and pull down all 4 switches - this
lowers the gate. Arm your CROSSBOW, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Enter through the now-lowered gate. Check all 16 cells, and kill the
ghosts with your CROSSBOW. Now you have to open all the cells, to
break the cases and get all the goodies. However, the cells have a
complicated opening system, which I’m going to explain to you.
Return to area with all the switches on the wall.
Look at bottom wall, and pull down all 4 switches.
Go to left wall (with the strange door), and pull down 2nd switch.
Go back to bottom wall, and pull all 4 switches again.
Go to left wall, and pull 3rd switch down.
Go to bottom wall, and pull all 4 switches down.
Go to left wall and pull the 4th switch.
The cells are now open. Return to cells, and take all the goodies. One
of the cells has a switch in the wall - pull it.
Return to area with all the switches in the walls. Look at the strange
door, and drink a REVEAL POTION. Arm your CROSSBOW, and SAVE
YOUR GAME HERE. Enter through door, and immediately kill the
skeleton. Run up the ramp, run through the spirits, and take
AZRIEL’S HAMMER. Now turn around, head back through the
strange door, and return to area with all the switches.
Make your way to top-middle of the map. Arm yourself with
really hard! Proceed through the gate, and be greeted be a
commander skeleton. Drink POTION OF STRENGTH and drink
POTION OF SHEILD. Now quickly kill the 2 skeletons nearest you.
Retreat slightly, and heal yourself, then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Use HAMMER to take out some archers, then retreat\heal\SAVE
again. Once archers are dead, use SWORD to attack the commander,
still using the retreat\heal\SAVE technique. When commander is
dead, take his DOUBLE-EDGE SWORD. Take all goodies left behind,
and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Climb up the bridge. Uh-oh… the far
side of the bridge is raised. Look at lever on far side, and throw your
HAMMER at it to lower the bridge.
Now walk through the portal, to the next land.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You’ve now reached the Swamp Land.
Keep your eye out for swamp monsters and pesky spider-like
creatures. The spider-creatures are fast, and keep running away, but
don’t let them creep up behind you. Also, keep your eyes peeled for
‘Bubble’ monsters in the swamp. You can only tell they’re there by the
bubbles on the surface. I found it best to use your HAMMER to deal
with them, since you can attack them from a distance. Also, some of
the toxic water will hurt you, until you find something to protect
Check your map, and start heading left, until you reach Oracle Of The
Tree. Talk to the Tree Oracle, and give him one of your GOLD COINS
(top task bar). Keep giving him GOLD COINS until he has no more
information for you.
Continue left slightly, through the swamp water, until you see a barrier
of darker green ooze. Don’t attempt to cross through this barrier yet -
it is toxic, and it will kill you.
Follow the clear water down and left, until you reach 2 shacks. Enter
the smaller shack and click on the 2 stone statues. Click on the chest,
and take GOLD COINS. Take CHAINMAIL GLOVES from shelves. Now
leave the shack.
Walk up ramp, to the larger shack, and use your SWORD to break open
the boards blocking the entrance. Now enter the shack. Open chest
and take GOLD COINS. Use SWORD to break more boards, and enter
the next room. Open chest and take COLD COINS. Take HEARING
HORN from the table. Now leave the shack.
Make your way back to Oracle Of The Tree, near centre of the map. Go
slightly up and slightly right, until you see a platform (ignore the tree-
monsters for now). Jump up onto the platform to find a Healing Well.
You can drink from the Well as much as you like, to restore your health.
Now start heading up & left of the map. There is a shack on stilts here.
Use your ROPE AND HOOK to climb up it. It’s a Teleport Portal to
transport you between worlds. But don’t use it yet. Just climb back
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Slowly head up the map until you see some
carnivorous plants in the water. Use your SWORD to destroy them.
Work your way through the labyrinth of carnivorous plants, until you
reach the Swamps Wisps. Talk to the Wisps, and they’ll tell you they
can give you something to protect yourself against the poisonous
swamp water. In return, they want a secret. Where on earth are you
going to find a secret?
Return to Healing Well near centre of the map, and drink as necessary
to restore your health. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Go down slightly and
right to the Mushroom Garden. Find the GOLDEN MUSHROOM at end
of the garden, and use your SWORD to cut off a piece of MUSHROOM,
Make your way to lower-right of the map. You’ll hear loud whisperings,
and see some groups of mummies here. But when you get too close,
they disappear. But what are they trying to hide? Do they have a
secret? Use HEARING HORN (top taskbar) on the mummies, to
discover that ‘A Mask Piece Is In The Witch’s Tower’. Hmmm,
interesting! Must remember that! Then Connor drops the HEARING
HORN. Clumsy oaf, hehe. Never mind, at least you have a secret now.
Go back to top-left corner of the map, where the Swamp Wisps are.
Talk to the Wisps, and tell them the secret. They are so excited! Talk
to them again, and they task you with finding the GOLDEN LADLE to
cleanse the poisonous water. Now click on FLOWER to become
protected from the treacherous swamp water.
Check map, and return to Healing Well. Drink from the Well if
necessary, but make sure to avoid those Tree Monsters. Continue
right & up, until you see a skeleton in a tree. Click on the skeleton to
get his BOW & ARROW.
Make your way back to the area with Whispering Mummies - it’s near
the bottom-right of the map. Keep going down, until you see the
Witches Tower, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Carefully work your
way around the Tower, until you see the evil Swamp Witch - kill her.
Now find the locked gate, and look through it to see some sandbags
that are attached to a pulley mechanism. Use your BOW AND
ARROW to shoot the sandbags, thus releasing the mechanism and
opening the gate.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, and enter the Tower. Enter room on the
left, and see some skeletons hanging on the wall. Take ROCKS from
the ground. Return to the Entrance, then enter room on the right.
Click on the foul creature lying dead on the stone slab, and take the
UNICORN HORN from his chest. Click on Recipe Book on the book-
stand. Click on cauldron, to see a vision. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Now find the ramp, and make your way up the ramp, being careful of
the arrow traps. At top of the ramp, shoot all the barrels with your
BOW & ARROW, and take all goodies. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Find
the room with a strange-looking floor, and lots of blood - it’s a booby-
trap. Throw a ROCK on to the booby-trap to trigger it. Now jump onto
the trap\floor, and continue up ramp to top of the tower. In a small
room, find and take full suit of CHAINMAIL ARMOUR. SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE. On opposite side of this area, find another room with a
chest. Open the chest to find another MASK PIECE. You will be
attacked by another Black Knight - kill him with your SWORD. When he
is dead, take his SEVERED HAND (yuck!). Now make your way back
down to the Ground Level, and leave the tower.
Check map, and head left & upwards (about half-way up). Find a
wooden structure on stilts - your ROPE AND HOOK will flash, so climb
up the wall twice, until you are at the top. Walk forward to the door,
and click on the hand-indent, only to discover that it’s too big for your
hand. Luckily, you have another hand that might work. Use SEVERED
HAND from the Black Knight in the indent, and the door will open.
Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. There’s a lot of tree stumps and blocks
here that you need to jump across, while avoiding the flaming arrows.
From your starting position, jump on the following blocks:
Back-Diagonal- left
You are greeted by 2 trolls - kill them. Click on plaque above the chest
to read it. Then click on chest to open it. Take GOLDEN LADLE from
this chest.
Pull both handles to reveal Gate Controls in the wall, then click on Gate
Controls to open the gate. The flaming arrow traps are now disabled,
so cross back over the platform again in safety. Walk out through the
doors again, and climb back down to the ground.
Make your way back to Witch’s Tower at bottom of map Enter Tower,
and use your GOLDEN LADLE on the cauldron to cleanse the water.
Mudge will introduce himself, and open up a Portal to Realm Of The
Gnomes. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then enter the portal.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Realm Of The Gnomes is a fascinating place.
*** NOTE: This is another problem area. The game frequently freezes when you first enter the Armoury shop and the Apothecary shop. I found that changing graphics settings (turning off shadows, etc) in the Main Menu solved the problem. Alternatively, you may find some help HERE ***
Okay, you’re in a room with the portal. Explore the room, break both
barrels, and pick up all MUSHROOMS. Make sure you also get the
ROCK. Follow path up, and stand on the pressure plate. Note how it
opens the door in front of you, but when you step off again, the door
closes. Place one of your ROCKS on the pressure plate to open the
door. Arm yourself, and walk through the door - kill that monster that
tries to electrify you.
Head left, break the barrel, then follow path left (killing any monsters
along the way) until you reach the door. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Un-arm yourself, open door, and enter Weapon Shop. The tradesman
is letting you inspect his wares. The game may freeze here - see notes
at start of chapter. Try adjusting graphics options from the main
menu. Look at weapons on his counter, and if you have enough GOLD,
Now leave the weapon shop.
Backtrack along the path, until you see a room on your left with 3
pressure plates. Place a ROCK on the left pressure plate (you must do
the left plate first), then place a ROCK on the other 2 pressure plates.
If you’ve done it right, a bridge will form in front of you. If you find you
don’t have enough ROCKS, teleport back to Dimension Of Death, find
central area with 4 pressure plates, and take ROCKS from the
pressure plates, and then return here. Now cross the bridge, and see a
gnome trying to dig through a wall. Talk to the gnome, and he’ll tell
you about the cave-in, and how he’s trying to dig a way out.
Now head left, and follow path (pick up those 3 MUSHROOMS along
the way) until you see a path on your left, going down. Go down the
path, and follow it until you see another rock monster - kill it. Keep
following the path until you reach the door. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Un-arm yourself, open door and enter the apothecary. The game may
freeze here - see notes at start of chapter. Try changing the graphics
options from the main menu. Have a look at the wares on her counter,
but I don’t recommend you buy anything, since you can easily pick
these things up as you play the game. Click on the stone statue next
to the counter - it’s the Essence Of Sun Tzu. However, she won’t sell it
to you unless you can give her an object of iron, some tree root, and
some amber glow. Looks like you have your work cut out for you.
Leave the apothecary.
Follow path back to where it raises up again. Check MAP, and head up
to another door. Click on it, but it’s locked. We’ll come back to this
door later. Just remember it’s here.
Turn around, and head back towards start of the map, until you see
an unexplored ramp going down - follow path, and kill another
monster. Keep following this path right, killing monsters along the
way, and picking up all the goodies, until you reach another gnome.
Talk to him if you like. Now, there is a door here. SAVE YOUR GAME
HERE. Un-arm yourself, open door, and enter the Armour Shop. The
game may freeze here - see notes at start of chapter. Try changing
graphics options from the main menu. Now inspect wares if you want,
but you may not have enough money to buy anything yet. Don’t worry,
you can always come back later. Now leave the shop.
Backtrack a little bit, until you see a path going up. Follow path until
you see another monster - kill it, and take COINS and ROCK. Head left,
and follow path to an enclosed area. Break all barrels and collect all
Look for ramp going up, and follow it. Kill the 3 monsters. SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE. Take path left, and kill another 2 monsters, and take
their GOLD. Keep following path until you’re attacked by another 2
monsters - kill them. Follow path to the crossroad. Arm yourself, and
kill rock monster on the right. Take POTION he leaves behind. Check
map, and follow path on the right leading up - take a running jump
over that gap, and keep heading up. Kill rock monster, take POTION,
and then follow path to a room with a glowing substance. Hit
substance with your WARHAMMER, and pick up CHUNK OF
AMBERGLOW that breaks off.
Backtrack (remember to take a running jump over the gap) until you
reach an unexplored area heading up again. Follow this path to the
Teleport Room, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Now, if you remember, you found a UNICORN HORN when you were
in the Swamp Land. You may also remember the wretched beast from
Daventry that had her horn stolen. See the connection? Let’s go and
give the HORN back to her. Stand on Teleporter Pad, and click on your
MAP (lower right) to open it. Scroll left or right until you see Kingdom
Of Daventry, and click on the Teleport option.
You are teleported back to Kingdom Of Daventry, so SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE. You’re in the Castle. Leave Castle, and make your way
to top-right of the map, where you saw the wretched beast. Give
UNICORN HORN to the wretched beast, and watch her stunning
transformation. She gives you a SMALL CRYSTAL PYRAMID to show
her gratitude, then vanishes.
Now, remember the young girl you rescued from Dimension Of
Death? She’s also back in Daventry. Head up to house at top left of
the map, and enter it. Click on Gwennie to talk to her, then take GOLD
from the table. Talk to Gwennie again, and tell her to stay inside her
Remember the Healing Fountain in this area. Drink from it to restore
your health, if you wish.
Return to Teleporter inside Castle Daventry (top-rightish). Stand on
Teleporter Pad, click on your MAP top open it, and scroll back to Realm
Of The Gnomes. Now click on the Teleport option.
You’re back in Realm Of The Gnomes now, so let’s keep exploring.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. From this Teleporter Room, make your way
down, until you see some steps on your left. Follow steps down, and
continue along the path until you reach a room that seems to stop
suddenly. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Look carefully, and you’ll see a
bridge going across the gap. It’s dark, and it’s hard to spot, but it’s
there. Cross the bridge, and then follow path to room with an old
man. Click on the man to talk to him. Note the cluster of crystal
shards next to him. Use your WARHAMMER on cluster, then pick up
CLOUDED CRYSTAL SHARD that broke off. Take POTION form the
ground. Now leave the room.
You have some more money now (thanks to Gwennie), so make your
way back to Armour Shop at bottom right of the map. SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE, then enter the Armour Shop. Click on BRONZE
BREASTPLATE on the counter, then give some GOLD to the shop-
keeper to buy it. Now leave the shop.
Make your way along the bottom-left path for a while, until the path
turns up. So follow path up, and then turn right at the crossroads.
Follow path along, kill another rock monster, and take the POTION.
Follow path, break 3 barrels, and take all MUSHROOMS. Go forward
slightly, and talk to the gnome. Take ROCK.
Make your way back to left edge of map, and then head up to the
locked door that you found earlier. Use your WARHAMMER on the lock
to break it (make sure you hit the lock, and not the door). Now pick up
IRON LOCK from the ground, and then click on door to open it. Kill
monster, and take GOLD.
Walk up a little bit, and take first path on the left. Take GOLD, and
follow path until you see the swinging stone trap. SAVE YOUR GAME
HERE. Time it right, and run past the swinging stone. Repeat this for
another 2 swinging stones, then kill the rock monster. Follow path
until you reach the door. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then click on door
to open it. Click on gnome sage to talk to him, and discuss how to get
out of this realm. He wants to help you, but he needs MAGNETIC
LODESTONE in order to do so. Leave the room, and return to where
the swinging stone traps are. Time it right to avoid the traps. Follow
path, and when you’re able, head up again. At crossroads, turn left,
and follow ramp all the way down. Kill rock monster, and take POTION.
Head left, and kill another rock monster. Make your way left & up,
until your ROPE AND HOOK flashes. Climb up the wall, and continue
along to the very top-left of the map. Look for the TREE ROOT, and
use your WARHAMMER to cut a chunk off, then pick up TREE ROOT
from the ground.
Make your way back to the apothecary (leftish-middle), and SAVE
YOUR GAME HERE. Remember, you want her ESSENCE OF SUN TZU.
Enter apothecary. You should have the 3 items that the woman
wants, so give her AMBER GLOW, IRON LOCK, and TREE ROOT. Now
give her some GOLD (you should have at least 250 at this point), and
she sells you’re her SUN TZU. You automatically activate it, and get a
huge boost in strength. Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, and leave the
Make your way back down the path, and when you’re able, start
heading right, and continue right. Check map, and make your way up
the path, and through the door that was locked. Continue up to the
crossroads, and turn right. Follow path to the end, then turn down,
killing 2 rock monsters along the way. Follow path until your ROPE
AND HOOK flash again. Climb up the wall, and follow path until you
get to a room with a giant boulder. There is a hole in the floor next to
the boulder - push boulder into the hole. Jump down into hole, and
start pushing boulder along the path. It doesn’t matter which
direction you go, since this area is just a giant circle. After a while,
Conner will pick up the boulder (ooh, such strength!), and throw it
down a ramp. Follow boulder down the ramp, until Conner comments
that it’s too dark for him to see. Look at jeweled device on the wall,
and use CLOUDED CRYSTAL SHARD on the jeweled device - it lights
up the area.
Check map, and head up until you see a dragon - kill it with your
WARHAMMER. Start walking up again, and an old man will appear.
He’ll turn into a young man, then disappear again. Pick up BLACK
DIAMOND HEART of the dragon you just defeated.
Walk up, into the next room. Look at structure in middle of the room.
Click on the purple stone switch to your right (make sure the lode-
stone and a crystal pyramid are in place), and watch message from
Hector. Now click on central structure to take the CLEAR CRYSTAL
structure. Click on purple stone switch to see a new message. Now
from the structure.
Return to Sage’s room on the far left of the map, past the swinging
stone traps, and give MAGNETIC LODESTONE to the gnome sage.
He uses it to create a new point of travel on your map. Leave the
sage’s room.
Check map, and make your way to Teleport Room near the top-right.
Stand on Teleport Pad. Scroll left or right, till you get to The Barren
Region (the new location that Sage added), and then teleport there.